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"What's a car?" I asked Blake in confusion. He turned to look at me as if I just asked the most shocking question ever. I was gripping onto his hand, tucked into his side as we followed his family towards what they called 'the car'. Letting out a low husky chuckle, he answered, "A car is like the buses that your pack has but smaller and meant for less people. They're also a lot comfier." I had never actually been on one of the buses before as they were only used on school runs and I was never allowed to go to school. I looked up at him, one ear splayed to the side. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Quickly, I looked away suddenly becoming my shy self again. "S-sorry." He didn't know why I was saying sorry but he leant down and kissed my forehead in a way of understanding.

As we rounded the corner, I saw the 'car'. It was big black and very shiny. All stood around it, Blake's family shifted to human and began putting on clothes. Clothes were another human accessory I had never experienced before. Once Blake was shifted and dressed, he looked at me and told me I had to shift. "Why," I asked not wanting to. "I'm not asking, I'm telling," he frustratedly growled. The growl sent a shiver through my spine as my fur stood on end. "P-please don't m-make me." He narrowed his eyes at me as I cowardly took a step back. "Now Quinn." I was so overwhelmed with fear and anxiety that I shifted for the first time in years. Luckily for me his family were all already in the car so the only person who saw my traumatised body. My back covered in scars, some almost as big as my arm. To say the least, my body looked like the remains of a battle field hit by an atomic bomb.

His eyes softened as he saw why I didn't want to shift and he handed me a pile of clothes I didn't know what to do with. Sighing, he came over and began getting me dressed. Then he opened the door and lifted me into the car doing up my seatbelt whilst he was there. Blake slid in next to me as I began to fidget and fight against the restraint of the seatbelt. He took my hand in his as he whispered, "It's okay bud, you're okay," in my ear. His words reassured me enough to calm down and lie my head on his shoulder as I tried to get used to the feel of the car and the clothes I was wearing which by the way, were to big.

I must of fallen asleep because the next thing I knew, I was being carried by Blake's strong muscular arms into a very grand and big building. I was to tired to ask to be put down so instead decided to get comfortable in his arms. As I shifted my weight, I let out a small moan betraying the fact that I was awake. "Evening sleeping beauty," Blake beamed down at me as he walked up the steps and through the door. "Sleeping beauties a girl," I huffed as he chuckled at my comment. "Yes but you're beautiful when you sleep which makes you sleeping beauty." He stated matter of factly. My cheeks heated as I blushed at what he said. "O-okay then."

Once we were at the second floor of the mansion we were in, Blake opened a door to a massive room with a king size bed smack bang in the middle. The room was spectacular, photos of Blake and his family lined the walls, books filling the shelves and expensive looking clothes filled the hooks of a grand walk in wardrobe. There was also an en-suite bathroom with a humongous shower with four heads, a massive deep bath and a two person sink below a mirror covering the whole right wall. It was amazing, although my standards weren't very high as I had never been in a human styled house, only caves. "Why don't you have caves?" I asked as he put me down on the bed. "We do but the only wolves who live in them are our omegas who aren't mated yet." My head lowered naturally as I became self conscious and worried. Would I have to live there instead of here with Blake until we mated? "Hey, hey, no don't worry, you're not gonna have to stay there, you'll be here with me. Please don't cry Quinn." He knelt down to my level as he spoke softly, one hand soothingly stroking my back as the other stroked my hair. Holding back a sob, I pulled him into a hug and we stayed that way for a while.

Once we'd broke away, we both took our clothes off down to our underwear and slid under the fresh linen sheets. As I positioned myself the way I wanted, I was pulled into Blake's chest, his arms wrapping tightly around me. It felt nice, his bare chest pressed up against my bare back, I liked it. Then Blake began leaving a trail of kisses down my neck and not long after, I dozed off once again.

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