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As I was eating y food, I felt the gaze of a nearby wolf, piercing into the back of my head. When I turned around to look at him, he gave me a small sweet smile which I also sent back. He took that as an invitation and slid into the vacant chair next to me. "Hey cutie." I looked down and blushed, making him smile. "H-hey." My food was going to get cold if I left it for to long so I continued to eat. That's when I was interrupted by the feeling of an unfamiliar hand, working its way up and down my thigh. I looked down and sure enough it belonged to the creepy man sat next to me. My breath hitched as he slid higher and higher. My eyes began to burn as I whimpered, "P-Please s-stop!" He looked at me with hurt in his eyes making me feel guilty. "What's wrong bud, do you not like me touching you, I just wanna make you feel good, please?" I gulped and tried to come up with something to say that wasn't rude. In the end I just shook my head. He didn't like it. Suddenly, he gripped my penis through my pants and began to palm me, causing me to gasp. He kept doing it despite all of my pleas for him to stop. Then, after a while he slipped his hand in my pants and began to stroke me. Feeling helpless, I let out a loud sob, causing everyone to turn and look at me. 

The man ripped a way his hand as he heard the sound of a chair scraping against the floor and loud footsteps rushing towards us. I had my head laid in my hands, sobbing as I felt strong arms engulf me in a hug and the low husky voice of Blake ask me if I was okay. I nodded my head and then told him what happened. As soon as he found out what had happened, he let me go and confronted the man. I didn't want him to get hurt or to hurt the man although I know I should and began to cry even harder. After a few seconds, Blake's big sister Katie came up to me and hugged me. It was very comforting and soon I began to calm down. When I looked up, I saw the man on the floor holding a bloody nose, writhing in pain and Blake being restrained by Jet as he lunged back at the man, wanting to finish him off.

Feeling overwhelmed, I took hold of Katie's outstretched hand and left the room of angry dominants and we walked up the stairs towards the playroom. She said that playing would take my mind off of the incident and as I trusted her, I agreed to play. We both shifted to wolf form and I got to see her stunning wolf. She was an auburn colour with a red tail which I guess is needed when you're the only female in a male filled family. We ran around playing games like tag, hide and seek and we also made an obstacle course. We were both sat on top of the slide laughing when we heard the door click open and we both instantly looked over as she took a protective stands over me, shielding me from whoever was about to enter. Blake.

I jumped down and sprinted over to the door and jumped into his arms, clinging onto him so that he couldn't put me down. He rubbed his hand up and down my back soothingly as he bobbed from side to side. I buried my face in the crook of his neck and whispered something to him which made him chuckle. God I loved his laugh, so low yet soft at the same time. After the week or so that I've been here, I've really been bonding with him and as uncomfortable as I felt here, I felt safe and at home with Blake. I might even go as far as to say 'I Love You' but I don't think I'm quite there yet. Well have to wait and see.

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