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I threw the pencil at the wall as I failed once again to write the letter Q. I just couldn't do it. Blake has said that I just had to give it time but I've given it all day and it still looks like shit. After a few seconds of sulking, I decided to leave the room and go find Blake. I hadn't seen him since he brought me lunch hours ago. I mad my way down the stairs, stopping at each floor to see if he was there but I couldn't find him anywhere. Once I'd searched the ground floor, I decided to look outside. I left veer the side door and started heading towards the games field. Maybe he was playing. Do dominants play? No-one was there. I was searching for ages all to no avail so I decided to head back inside. When I got inside, I thought that maybe I should ask someone. But who could I ask that wouldn't completely bite my head off. I was scared of most of the dominants in Blake's family so that ruled them out, I had narrowed it down to two. Katie or Jet. Eventually I decided that the safest bet was Jet as I new him better and he seemed to like me.

I made my way to Jets office and knocked on the door. "Come in!" He called as I twisted the handle to open the door. He was stood, making him tower over me in his wolf form as I was in my human form. "Quinn what are you doing here?" I bowed my head and gulped trying to calm the sense of panic coursing through my veins. "I-I was looking for B-Blake." I looked up at him with pleading eyes. "I haven't seen him but if I do, I'll tell him that you were looking for him." Great, now I was alone in a big house full of scary dominants without even knowing where Blake is. "Oh." As I went to leave the room, I was stopped in my tracks by Jet saying, "He really does love you, you know. Ever since he found you, he's been happier and I've not seen him frown in a long time either. You really do bring out the best in him." I smiled back at him and left the room, heading back up to my den (that's what I call the room that Blake made me).

Once back in the den, I tidied up the writing equipment that I had thrown all over the room and decided to practice my reading. "There.... Once was a.... wolf who had..." I was interrupted by the door creaking open. "There once was a wolf who had problems with reading and writing." It was Blake, Jet must of passed on the message. I looked up at him, a wide smile spreading across my face as he came and sat down next to me. "I'm sorry you couldn't find me, I was in a meeting. I didn't mean to make you worry." He was so cute when he was sorry. "I-it's okay, I forgive you. I have a present for you." I went into one of the draws and pulled out the peace of paper which I had written a word on. As I handed it to him, his face lit up with joy. "You wrote this?" He asked and I nodded at him with joy also radiating off of my face. "Wow buddy this is amazing, you actually wrote my name. This looks brilliant, I'm so proud of you. Can you write yours." The smile left my face as I bowed my face in shame before shaking my head. "Hey it's okay, no worries, we can work on that another day. I'm still really proud of you." He pulled me into a bone crushing hug as he lifted me onto his lap. "C-can you read to me?" I asked him as I hugged him back. "Of course, what would you like me to read?" I went to the book shelf and pulled out a book before giving it to him and regaining my seat on his lap. "As you wish Quinn." He began to read the Hungry Caterpillar and after a while, I fell asleep.

I vaguely remember waking up to Blake undressing me and putting me to bed but as I moaned, opening my eyes he just said, "Shh baby, it's okay just go back to sleep." I did as he said, the last thing I remember being the familiar feeling of his arms wrapped around my shoulders as I snuggled into his chest, sound asleep.

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