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He sprinted to me and launched into my arms like a little pup causing me to chuckle. He locked eyes with me and flashed his usual cheeky grin. I'm glad he's ok. For an Omega petrified of dominants, he's very head strong, that's one of the many things that I love about him. 'Love'. I really do think I'm in love with him. What would he say if I told him? He'd probably freak out and start crying, no, I couldn't possibly do that to him, not yet. As he nuzzled my neck with his nose, I said thank you to my sister for looking after him and then I carried my tired little pup to our bedroom.

As we entered the room, I set him down on the bed after I'd shut the door and then I headed to the closet to get him some clean clothes for bed. Leaving the closet, I noticed that he's already fallen asleep on the bed so I peeled of his clothes, one by one and then slipped a pair of boxers onto him and decided not to risk waking him up by putting him in a shirt. Then I tucked him under the covers and got him comfy before heading to the bathroom. I did my business and got myself changed, then I slipped into bed next to him and pulled him into my chest, my arms wrapped possessively around his tiny, frame. Soon after, joining him in a sweet slumber.

The next morning, I woke to the feeling of something heavy on my hips. I slowly opened my eyes with a grunt and was met by the sweet smile of Quinn. "Ugh, you great lump, get off me!" I jokingly groaned as he giggled like a pup. "Why?" He asked, struggling not to erupt into a fit of laughter. "Because, if you don't, you're gonna make me pee, you wouldn't want that would you?" His eyes widened and he shook his head followed by him jumping off, allowing me to go to the bathroom. When I came back, his pants were on the floor and he was lying on the bed in wolf form. The bright silver colour of his fur shining bright from the sunlight seeping through the curtains. "We going wolf today?" He nodded his head and then spoke, "C-can you do it t-to?" His face is so cute especially when he's nervous. "Of course shorty!" I cheerfully replied making his face light up with joy. "Th-thank you." He's so sweet.

Later that day, we were in the garden playing tag, tackle, kiss as Quinn called it when we were interrupted by someone clearing their throat. We both stopped running and looked at the person interrupting our bonding time whilst we both caught our breath. It was the omega that I had spoken to when Quinn had gone missing and I was looking in the caves. "Can I play?" He said sheepishly as he looked down at his paws. I looked to Quinn who was nodding frantically with a massive smile on his face before saying, "Sure you ca, well just change it up a bit. How about, umm, tag, tackle, tickle?" Both omegas nodded their heads in approval and we all began to play.

Vince, the other omega, was really fast however I was still faster making it easy for me to catch him but really hard for Quinn to catch him. After a while of failing to catch both me and Vince as we were both at least double his size, he stopped and started to pout. "What's wrong Quinn?" I asked looking at his sad face. "I-it's not fair, I-I can't catch you g-guys, I'm t-to small." His lip began to quiver and I ran to him so that he didn't get upset. I had forgotten that he'd never got to play with anyone properly before because of the pack he came from. "Hey, Hey, it's ok, we can play something else." He looked up at me, rubbing his eyes and sniffling. "Really?" He said in between sniffles. I nodded my head at the same time that Vince did which made him smile.

I spent the rest of the afternoon playing with the two omegas who were becoming really good friends which was just what Quinn needed, a good friend to hang out with and talk to. When it was time to have dinner, Vince was about to go back to the caves for his small meal when Quinn asked, "B-Blake, could V-Vince maybe have d-dinner with us p-please?" The way he sounded afraid to ask, made my heart break and I felt compelled to say yes, so I did. We sat in the dinner hall with Vince and ate our steaks and drunk our drinks in between conversations and when we were done, we parted ways. Vince went back to his room in the caves and Quinn and I went back to our room upstairs. Before going to sleep, he said. "I'm g-glad I have a f-friend now, th-thank you B-Blake." I smiled to myself at my cute little omega. "You're welcome shorty." Then we were both asleep, reminiscing about our hectic day full of playing and friend making. We were happy. For now.

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