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I read to Quinn last night and the smile on his face as he drifted off to sleep was priceless, however I knew that when he woke up, he would not be smiling. He was going to hate today and to make matters worse, there was going to be so many dominants that I would not be surprised if he passed out or threw up. Let's hope not.

Gently climbing out of bed, I walked to the closet and pulled out my navy blue suit and the matching one which I had got in advance for Quinn. I got dressed as quickly as possible after having a shower and brushing my teeth and then left the room, leaving my Omega to sleep a little longer. Frantically running down the hall, I went to greet all the guests that were beginning to arrive. After about ten minutes, I past the job onto my brother Mike and went back to the room to help get Quinn ready and try to stop him from freaking out completely.

As I walked back into the room, I realised that he wasn't in the bed so I headed to the bathroom. I tried the door handle and found it unlocked so I entered, noticing that he was just stood there, staring at himself in the mirror. "Uh, Quinn, What are you doing?" I gave him a puzzled look as I approached and rested my hand on his shoulder. He looked up at me after a while, breaking his gaze with the mirror and just whispered a small apology before walking out. I shrugged it off as him just being tired and then followed him and began to help him put on his suit.

Once he was dressed and looking presentable and hot, I took his hand and led him downstairs to begin today's plans. As we rounded the corner into the ball room, he froze and tugged on my arm. I looked back down at him and noticed that he was now hyperventilating and looking around the room like a madman. I didn't know what to do so I just whispered some words of encouragement into his ear and then continued on walking. The first thing I did was go and get ourselves a drink from the bar. I got myself a scotch and I got Quinn a lemonade. He smiled gratefully at me as I handed it to him and he took a small sip. Then we walked over to a group of rich, important dominants.

"Mr and Mrs Carline, it's a pleasure to have you attend our higher ups meeting. We couldn't possibly thank you enough." I put on my poshest voice and manners as I stood proud and tall like I was always told to do around the higher ups. "Please, please, call us Myles and Sandra, it makes us feel less old." Mr Carline said as he chuckled at his own joke. "Of course, I'm sorry. I would love for you to meet my soon to be mate, Quinn." I pushed him forward so that he was in view as I watched their faces for a reaction. "Hello young boy, it's a pleasure to meet you. I hope you live up to what you have to be, being the future mate to the next in line for beta." He visibly gulped as he stepped back into the comfort of my arms and we politely ended the conversation, moving onto the next one.

We had many conversations and so far, Quinn has not freaked out to much. Now it was time to move into the dining room which had had the tables moved around in a more feast like way so that we could all eat. The table was swarming with food as we sat in our allocated seats. For some odd reason, I was not sat beside Quinn however I pushed it to the back of my mind as I reengaged in the light conversations before we began to ate. As people began to finish while others were still eating, a loud sob echoed through the room gaining everyone's attention. Then another and another. I knew that sound, that was Quinn. As quick as a flash, I was stood, sending my chair flying as I marched to my sobbing mate. As I got there, he grabbed onto me and cried into what was my pristine suit.

After a while, he calmed down enough to tell me what happened. "H-he called me his a-and tried to t-touch m-me in my p-private's." His sobs began again as I asked him who. He looked up from my shoulder and pointed out to the traitor who had touched him. Without a moments thought, I stood and lunged for the man, pinning him by the throat to the wall. "Did you touch my mate?" I asked, letting out a warning growl, not wanting to shift quite yet. No answer, instead I just got a smirk. I growled again. Then he said, "He's mine."

The sound of my suit ripping cascaded other the room as I turned and then tackled the man to the floor. To make the fight fair, he also shifted and we began to attack each other. The whole time, we were both shouting profanities at each other whilst growling. With me being stronger and faster, I had him pinned and the fight became very one sided. The other dominants were just stood around gawping until finally I was ripped off of the abomination before me. I thrashed and kicked as I tried to get back at him to finish off what I started. I wanted him dead and I wanted to be the one to do it, I wanted him to suffer. He didn't deserve to live. As my annoying, pain in the ass captor realised that I wasn't going to stop, he took me to the other side of the table and held me down in a chair. I looked behind me and was definitely not shocked to find my big brother Jet staring back down at me with a disappointed glare in his eyes. I shrank under his gaze which made him smirk as he new I hated letting him down however I was still boiling over like a volcano. And I was still determined to kill that wolf. Whoever he is.

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