Chapter 5 Cupid Is Stupid

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After all the drama that I had experienced with Kent I decided to just live my life relationship free, to go on and study hard, make new friends and live my best life, I mean this was supposed to be one of the best times of my life. You always hear parents say, "my dear, you need to go out and enjoy your stress free life, this is the best times, no bills to pay and no kids". I know that was true but they don't understand how hard it is in high school nowadays, the peer pressure that you have to endure just to fit in, all the other high school drama that is included, there isn't even any time for learning. It's just survival of the fittest.

So in my quest to live a better life, here is how my life took another turn. It's almost as if I was a sucker for pain.

I enjoyed my time with my friends, I met so many new ones, my best girl friend was Renè, she was fun, so daring and she always pushed me to my limits. She was on the frivolous side, the school slut I would say, she had a new guy every month, and she wasn't afraid to suck faces with each and everyone of them, sucking faces was not the only thing she sucked during school hours, her constant place was the men's toilets in school block c as there never was anyone who used those toilets and everyone knew that when she's going in there she's going in to blow, she was always against my whole Virgin Mary attitude and she tried to push me onto multiple guys, she would always tell me how fun it was to taunt guys and to make them come, she especially liked it when they came in her mouth, to me this was repulsive and I tried to explain how I want to do this with someone I truly love I also explained my issues with trust after my past relationship but she told me to get over it because shit happens and the way we deal with those issues define us as and make us better people, bad relationships also teach us good lessons. She gave good advice and secretly I think she was a good person underneath all of the make up that she used to wear, But being a typical teenager she also got influenced by a lot of people and she became one bad egg. It's just so hard to believe that you can meet a person and you can have a genuinely good time with them but there's simply a problem between your views and morals in life, she is the exact opposite of me, her personality and mines are always opposing, but yet we always have a good time together.

Reese, Ally, Nathalie and Shaun were people that we spent time with. Shaun was Liam's best friend. Liam was ultimately my best friend. Liam was everything to me, he was my confidant, he was my sparring partner, we would playfully insult each other day in and day out, and I think a day without seeing him just made it a horrible day. He was friendly and kind, and he never judged me, he was good academically and he was so great in sports. He wasn't bad looking, actually I think he was quite handsome, not that anyone ever told him that, but I decided against telling him because I didn't want to make it weird between us, I wanted it to stay just the way it was because I never wanted to loose what we had, I never wanted to loose the truest person that I have in my life, the person who always makes me feel safe. He was my best friend and that's who he'll always be, forever, just my best friend, and that was all I had wanted.

Liam and I texted each other every night, I had a curfew, I had to hand in my cell phone at the end of the night by 9pm. That didn't stop me from trying to steal my cell phone back after they went to bed just to chat to my bestie. We had wonderful conversations, he ate my food, he stole my stationary, he insulted me and I insulted him.

I was doing just fine, that's until she came along. This petite little, ohh too chirpy girl walks in, the size of a dwarf, legs that can barely touch the ground when she sits, cute little bouncy pony tail which only suggests that she has hair that falls just on her shoulder when it's opened, she was little and proud and she looked like the type who's bark is worse then her bite, with a name like Viola I knew she was going to be a nuisance. She was new and it was difficult for her to make friends, I could see she was having a hard time adjusting to Havenside High, so I decided, what the heck let me try to be a little friendly with her, I mean it couldn't be that bad and I know how hard it is to be the new girl. She actually turned out to be a good person, good morals, good values, I could see she had a mean competitive streak, and she was borderline bipolar, maybe that was just me being over analytical, over judge-mental, I needed to stop thinking that everyone had ulterior motives, not everyone in this world was mean and I needed to chill out.

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