Chapter 3 One Kiss Is All It Takes Not to Fall In Love

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Here I am, supposedly happy, content with dating the most popular guy in school, Yet I find myself wanting something more. You know that feeling when you just know that someone isn't right for you, well this is just the feeling that I get when I'm with him, everything he does makes me wary and I'm finding it so difficult to trust anything that he says, but again against my better judgement I decided to give him one more chance to show me who he really was. I had known him from childhood, although we never spoke. When I had just started my adolescent phase I used to see him riding his bike passed my house everyday at the same time, and everyday he would look up into my yard, I would be sitting outside playing with my dog and he'd just smile at me, at first I thought it was creepy, then slowly it became sweet, sort of like a little crush. It seemed like he genuinely cared about me, it seemed like he saw me in his future. I'm taking all of this information into consideration and another chance to get to know him was owed to him, solely due to the bicycle incident. I was a lover of romcoms, and this seemed like it could have been the making of a great teen romance movie, when the love story begins way before the main characters even knew they were in love with each other. I could only hope and pray that this was were our relationship was leading to.

He used to drop me off at home in his fancy car and I think I started to actually like him more, I think that it was just the fact that he was doing something for me that was totally new. This was my first experience with a boy dropping me off at home and I felt cool, I felt like a cool kid, this made me feel invincible and it was thrilling. It's really stupid I know, to like someone because of a minuscule thing like a car ride home, but again this was all new to me, I never dated before, I had to get the full experience.

Days turned into weeks and soon weeks turned into months, during these three months we shared our first kiss, which was supposed to be all great and magical, here I am waiting for this kiss to turn my world around, for this kiss to make me fall head over heels in love with him, for the butterflies to start fluttering profusely in my stomach but I felt nothing, nothing but a slimy tongue in my mouth that made me want to bring out my lunch and yesterday's dinner. He was not only a ball of slime but a grippy slim ball, he always liked to hold me and touch me and very soon he became a-bit too handsy. There was one occasion where he drove me home and just as I was about to jump off his car he stopped me, and he wanted to just sit there and make out, so being the all obliging girl friend I sat there and kissed him, for what felt like the longest five seconds of my life, while he had his slimy, yucky tongue in my mouth he decided it was okay to just slide his hand onto my shoulder, that was fine for me, I mean off course he was allowed to touch my shoulder the guy has his tongue in my mouth he can go ahead and hold my shoulder if he wants to, now the problem started when he slowly slides his hand down my shoulder and I can feel him moving towards my chest and when I say chest I mean boobs, that's when I panicked, nobody has ever touched me there, I was barely even okay with mouth to mouth contact and now he moves to touch my boobs, at that moment I just knew that I didn't want him to touch me there, I felt uncomfortable with the whole situation, I felt like I had no control, I felt the bile in my throat suddenly begin to rise up, I literally felt sick to my stomach, that's when I brought myself back to reality and told him to stop. I explained that things where moving too fast between us and I wasn't ready for that type of physical contact, at first he took it really well, he told me that he understands and that we can take it as slow as I want, I was happy that he understood me.

Within the next week he just stayed away from school, he had been absent for a week without even sending me a text message to tell me if he was doing okay, not even a phone call to ask how are my days going, it was just odd, especially since he would text me everyday nonstop, even if it was just to ask me what I ate, or what I doing.

Nevertheless, I just waited for what seemed like forever for him to get back to school, when I approached him about his where a-bouts all he had to say was that he wasn't feeling to well and when I asked him why hasn't he sent me any messages to let me know what was going on with him he simply said that he didn't have any airtime or data to respond to any of my calls or texts. Like the gullible, naive little girl I thought I wasn't but actually was I simply accepted his explanation and life just went on.

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