Chapter 12 Lisenced To Kill

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A year later...

"Hun, can you please help me with my English assignment, you know writing isn't one of my strong areas", he asks me politely.

"Sure babe, as soon as I'm done with mines I'll get working on yours, what would you like me to write about?" I ask him.

" Anything that will score me at least 50%, nothing too fancy". As if I could ever score anything lower than a 90%.

"I'll try my hardest not to try so hard." He and I both laugh, and we go our separate ways. I rush up to meet Melanie, she's standing in her usual spot, her eyes scanning the general assembly area looking for Ashton I assume. So let me fill you in, Ashton was Melanie's crush, off course she'd never admit that, she always says that they are just really good friends, and if it wasn't for me he would be her best friend, I knew her better than that and I knew she had the hugest crush on him, at the moment she had prioritized her life and she had no time for relationships, she was basically focused on school and nothing else. She was determined and I had no intention of helping her explore her feelings for Ashton. He was a huge flirt, he basically flirted with anything that had long hair and boobs, but I had noticed that he was different with her, gentle and soft, he always sugar coated his words around her and he treated her like she was the most important person in his life, but I didn't want her to get hurt, and I knew that he would hurt her, so I never encouraged her to admit her feelings for him or to even try to start a relationship with him because I knew he was going to be unnecessary drama in her life.

As the day progressed I started making a mental list of all the things that I had to get done, but all I wanted to do was kiss him, he made everything better, the way he loved me, the way he cared for me, the way he always went the extra mile to make me happy, I knew I'd never love him the way he loved me but I knew that he was who I needed in my life, I needed to feel loved and he was the guy to love me. Aaron had treated me so well for the past year, we were actually reaching our first year anniversary. So yes, I've been dating Aaron for the past year, actually the second year if you count the breakup in between but I'm not counting it as I wanted a fresh start. He has been the one to keep me sane throughout this entire year, he has also been the one to convince me that Liam was not good for me and that he was like a drug, I was becoming addicted and it was becoming detrimental to my sanity and my health. I was so hopeful last year when I had that conversation with Melanie under the staircase, she gave me the motivation I needed to confront Liam, but Liam had just pushed me away again before I could even show him how I really felt about him. It took one big anticlimactic event to change the way I felt about him. I kept my distance from Liam and Viola at all times but it became difficult to stop focusing on them because we were in the same class, Viola took her mean streak to the next level when she purposely brought Liam to sit at the desk that was directly in front of mines, I had been sitting by myself, minding my own business and focusing on my work, the class was rowdy and there was chatter in the air, followed by shrieking laughter and play fights, this was the norm in our class when the teacher had stepped out, I was more mature than the rest of them so I never caused a scene in class. At that moment Melanie decided to come sit next to me,we both started writing notes and having light conversation, that's when I suddenly noticed Viola's third wheel, Phlicia staring at me, I looked back at her and she quickly moved her head to make it seem like she wasn't really looking at me, that's when I heard it, I heard my name being mentioned in their conversation, I really didn't mean to eavesdrop but it was hard not to hear as they were sitting directly in front of me, I knew Viola wanted to start something totally irrational with me by the comment she made about me, Viola was telling Phlicia about the outfit I had worn for valentines day last year, she mentioned how slutty I looked with my patent stiletto heels and my knife pleated mini skirt, in my defence I did have on stockings and that whole skater/rocker girl look was trending at the time, but anyways, who was she to comment on the way I looked, and to bring up last year, who brings up issues from a year ago.

"Did you see the way that skirt looked on her?" Viola said to Philicia.

"Yes, she looked like a slut", was Philicia's response.

"More like a prostitute on the side of the road, oh and did you hear what Aaron told Renè, He had been telling everyone that he fucked her, on her own bed while she was completely zoned out". At that moment my heart started to beat faster and faster, my pulse started rising, I simply could not contain my anger, I was just about to wake up and smack the living hell out of Viola when Melanie places her hand on mines, I hadn't even noticed that she was still sitting next to me, as silent as ever and she was also listening to their conversation, she reassured me everything was going to be okay and that I needed to calm down and not do anything to hasty. What pushed me over the edge though was while Viola continued slandering me Liam just sat there laughing with her, as if he was agreeing to whatever she was saying, at that moment I couldn't take it anymore, I shoved my books into my bag and stormed out of that classroom, just as I walked out I heard the bell ring for the change of period and I feel Melanie's hand on my shoulder, she followed me out of class and was determined to calm me down, at this point I literally wanted to kill someone, and that someone was Viola, I had to rush of to the ladies bathroom and throw some cold water on my face because I needed to calm the hell down. All my efforts to calm down went in vain because very soon I found myself marching angrily towards my physics class straight to Liam, I wasn't bigger or stronger then him but at that moment I had enough adrenaline in me to push him onto the wall, luckily the classroom was not yet filled it was just him and two other guys from our class. I could see that he was equally shocked as the other two guys were when I pushed him against the wall, he didn't move an inch from that wall but he demanded to know what was going on.

"How could you be so selfish, how could you hurt me that way, did I mean nothing to you, am I just a distant memory to you now Liam". He stays silent, he doesn't say a word.

"Tell me now Liam, I want to know who gave you the right to make fun of me, who gave you and your pretentious girlfriend the right to speak about me that way, especially since you know how I feel about myself and how self conscious I am." I yell so loudly that I don't even recognize my own voice. He finally speaks.

"She didn't really mean any harm by that, please don't take anything the wrong way." What a response. "She was just having some fun, please don't take anything she says seriously." At that moment I realize that it's not worth it to fight with Liam about this, I'm going to go straight to the source.

" Tell Viola that I will see her at lunch", I yell angrily again, and I move to the back of the classroom. After the lesson was over it was closer to lunch time I see Liam walk towards me.

" Please Paige, just leave Viola alone, she didn't mean any harm, please don't be harsh, please don't hurt her". At that moment in time I just thought about my history with Liam, he was always  there for me, and now he was taking her side even though she was clearly wrong in this case.

" Liam, were you ever really friends with me, tell me the truth, because I'm tired of this rat race, I gave you and Viola the space you needed, after deviously plotting against our friendship I still kept everything civil between us and I never made a fight, but mark my words Liam, today will be the day that Viola had wished she'd never crossed me", and on that note I stormed out of class heading for Viola.

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