Chapter 8 Fight For Myself

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After a lovely weekend I get back to school, the first thing on my mind was Liam, I needed to ask him what was so important that he forgot to reply to his best friends texts, that's when I spot Liam, Viola and Aaron all standing together in the assembly area, that was the strangest thing because those three were never together, Liam didn't like Aaron and Viola never really acknowledged Aaron, but here the three of them were together having what looked like the most intense conversation. By the time I can walk to them they have all dispersed, they must have seen me heading in their direction and whatever they were talking about was not something that I needed to hear. The only person that was left standing was Aaron and he had this look on his face, a look that I haven't seen on his face for the duration of the time that I have known him, so I gave an equally confusing look back at him, and then his confusing look turned into a smile and he said nothing was going on, and the three of them were having a friendly conversation, as if he just read my mind and he knew exactly what I was going to ask him. He did however say that he and I needed to have a very important conversation during our lunch break, so I agreed to meet at our usual spot, under the biology block staircase at 12:30.

At lunch Aaron had just let his feelings out, without holding back.

"Paige, I really like you, I may even love you, but it seems like you don't feel the same way about me. I'm trying here Paige, I'm trying my hardest to get through to you and to make you want to be with me but it seems like your mind is set on someone else." He says with emotion in his voice.

"I really like you to Aaron, I'm so confused right now. I'm dating you aren't I."

"You think that just because we are dating that means you love me. You really are too naive to see anything." His voice now becoming harsher.

"I am not at all naive. Can you explain what's going on right now, what is making you have these absolutely absurd thoughts about us." I am officially confused, I thought things between us were okay, he had most of my attention lately so what was the matter.

"Well I'm just explaining to you how I'm feeling. When I see you around Liam and I see how happy you are I know that I can never make you as happy. Honestly that hurts like hell, especially since I'm trying so god damn hard Paige." He's now squeezing my hand so hard that I can literally feel his emotions with every squeeze.

"Aaron you need to stop. How many times do I have to explain that Liam and I are just friends. We have been for a very long time, even before you and I met. We are really familiar with each other." I now squeeze his hand, but this is a reassuring squeeze, that everything is going to be okay.

"I want you to stop being friends with Liam. You need to end that friendship. It's either him or me Paige. You need to make a choice, because I'm tired of sharing you."

At that moment I just gave him the most exasperated look, in my head I was trying to gather up my thoughts, what was I going to say to this man, who was I kidding, I knew exactly what I was going to say to him and I just said it. "No one will ever come between me and my best friend and if you have a problem with my friendship then he could go fly a kite or even eat soup with a fork because that is never going to happen, not in a million years." I was never going to end my friendship with Liam over silly jealously, I mean he and I were in a relationship and what Liam and I had was just a really unbreakable friendship. Why did he expect me to just forget Liam, that was so unlike him, he never behaved in a jealous manner before but it was just something about Liam that he didn't like, he was adamant on the fact that Liam liked me more than a friend, and I was tired of explaining our relationship to him. So just like that I made my choice and I left, I left and I broke up with him because what he was asking me to do was impossible. If he couldn't trust me then he didn't deserve to be in a relationship with me, it was that simple.

After the first period at school I caught a glimpse of Liam, and he didn't even look in my direction, I found that odd because he never passes up an opportunity to say something derogatory when he passed me, but he totally ignored me. I was determined to find out what was going on, even Viola had her sour face in a pout when she saw me, what did I do?.

I stopped When I saw Liam. "What's up, why didn't you reply to me, did I leave you speechless." I say with laughter in my voice.

"Well While you and I were chatting on Facebook Viola was reading all of our messages, and she read the one about the melons and totally freaked. She called me immediately and asked me to block you on Facebook."

"Oh, so that's why I couldn't find you when I searched on my messages." I'm shocked, how can she read his private Facebook messages.

"That's probably why." He says clearly annoyed, at me, or at her. I couldn't have known at this moment.

"What else did she say?" I'm not impatient, I want him to get to the point.

"All she told me was that I needed to start a group chat, and she wanted to talk to both Aaron and myself. I had to agree Paige, she is my girlfriend, she has to come first for me, please try to understand".

"So what you are saying is that the only relationship that matters to you is the one between you and her, you don't care about ours. I mean come on Liam, we have been best friends for a while now. Can't you just tell her that we will behave when speaking to each other?"

"No Paige, I wish I could. I really don't want to jeopardise a good thing, and Viola is a sure good thing in my life."

"Okay." Was all I could say.

"Paige, she asked me to make that group chat. So I did and they agreed both Viola and Aaron that they wanted this thing between you and I to be over. If your boyfriend doesn't approve of you and I being friends and my girlfriend doesn't who are we to question them."

The words stung like a fresh bee sting, and in my mouth was an unsavoury taste. I had no words left for Liam. I fought for us, I fought with Aaron who was my boyfriend, I made it known to him that my friend ship is also important with Liam, but here he is only worrying about his relationship with his girlfriend. I was appalled, no I was angry, who gave Viola and Aaron the right to decide who we stay friends with. Then he tells me something that really breaks my heart, he says that Aaron wanted no part in this and Aaron didn't want us to stop being friends but Viola had begged Aaron to tell me to stay away from Liam. That lousy, jealous bitch. How could she do something like that, something so manipulative. She was as devious as I thought she would be, her little good girl act was exactly that, just an act. So then I ask Liam to show me the messages between them, and he refused, so instead I go Aaron and I apologize and I tell him that I knew he never wanted to hurt me and dictate my life by telling me who to and not to be friends with, so I politely ask him to see the messages and he shows me. The words that appear on that screen are foreign, and my brain just does not want to register anything that I'm reading, I see Liam telling Aaron to find a way to get me to leave him alone. He tells Aaron that he just can't seem to get me to leave him alone and I'm the one that keeps on coming back, he somehow made it seem like I was desperate for his attention and my sole purpose was to make his life with Viola miserable. My heart just sunk 10 feet into the ground, and I'm not the one to cry or put my emotions on a pedestal for everyone to see but I couldn't help the tears pooling underneath my eyes, this hurt so much, it hurt more that I broke things off with Aaron because I thought that he was the mastermind behind this betrayal, but instead it was my best friend, well I thought he was my best friend. Nothing would ever be the same again.

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