Chapter 20 Dreams

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The next day I arrived at school, I had anxiously waited for half the day to pass as I would only get to see Liam after lunch, I knew I wanted to give him all the details of my dream.

The bell had rung and I knew it was time to go to the class that Liam and I shared. I hurried out and rushed to go meet him. On my way there I see him walking side by side and hand in hand with Viola, he was walking her to the business studies class, I knew they were dating, and I knew they were in a relationship but it still annoyed me. From speed walking to get to him faster I began to walk slower now, just because of what I saw. How tenderly he held her hand, how gently he took her to her class, and here I was rushing to get to him, excited to tell him about the dream I had about him last night and he looked like he couldn't be bothered about me at that moment and all he cared about was Viola. Why was I so stupid to think and act this way towards a guy who was in a relationship, I wouldn't want someone thinking about my boyfriend this way so why was I thinking about Liam this way. I guess maybe it was just me wanting something I knew I'd never have.

I take my seat and I decided to sit next to Mel, she looked at me totally confused.

"I thought you wanted to sit next to Liam today, didn't you say you had something important to tell him". She said while she turned her attention towards me.

"I changed my mind, I needed my best friend today". I said with a slight hint of sadness and longing in my voice.

"Now what's going on, I thought you two had finally made up".

"We did, it's nothing Mel, just me being me, you know how I am". That was the last thing I said to her, she didn't pester me to find out anything more. That's what I loved about her, she always listened, she never judged.

While I was writing down my notes I look up to find Liam looking in my direction, his face was as confused as Mel's face was when I sat down next to her, I could see it in his eyes, he was wondering why I didn't sit next to him today as I usually did for these past few weeks, but right now I just needed a minute, I wasn't ready to talk to him after watching him with Viola, I felt like a jealous girlfriend right now, even though I wasn't his girlfriend, I knew that when Liam confessed his feelings for me he also told me that we weren't going to act on it, my mind totally understood this fact but my disobedient heart refused to accept what was happening, but how do I even control my heart when it wants what it wants. I was in my head again and I snapped out of it when Liam had come to sit on the chair in front of my desk.

"Hey Paige". He says softly, but I could hear the confusion in his voice.

"Liam, hi.." was all I managed to say.

"Why the dull mood today, I thought you were going to sit with me, you said you had something funny to tell me."

"Paige and I had things to discuss." Mel had told him. She had interrupted our conversation but I think I really needed that interruption, I was in no mood to tell Liam the truth or to come up with any lie.

"Oh, alright then, I guess I'll see you after school then".

"After school, what do you mean after school?" What was Liam on about, and why would he see me after school.

"It's Physics extra lessons remember , you told the teacher that you would be available to attend, come on, you can't be loosing your mind so soon, you're still young". He said that with a chuckle, like he was some comedian and he made the funniest joke. However it was not funny at all, at least I didn't find it funny.

"I almost forgot about that, okay then I'll see you there". I say with absolutely no enthusiasm.

"Enjoy your day then, I guess I'll have to wait a few more hours to speak to you again". He says with an apathetic tone of voice. I knew he felt something, and I knew he was so confused by my sudden behaviour towards him, he was unsure why I suddenly went cold turkey on him, but he'd have to figure it out, maybe I couldn't be friends with him after all.

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