Gotta Escape Now

260 11 19

November 5, 2004

Tom did not tell me Fletch was hiring a girl.

And Tom definitely didn't tell me Fletch was hiring this girl. This very hot girl.

Should I not call her hot? What if she is the only person in the world who can read minds and she's listening to me right now and I sound like a total prick? Shut up, Dougie. You're so stupid. And she's so pretty.

Don't get ahead of yourself. She could be one of those thirty-year-olds who looks really young. And thirty would be too old right? I hope she's twenty-six. Twenty-six isn't too old, right? Sixteen minus twenty-six...that's...nine years. No- eight years. Eight years isn't that bad! You gotta think about it when you're older. Like if you saw a fifty-year-old and a fifty-eight year old together you wouldn't think that's weird. So it's not that weird that we're eight years apart.

Yes, it is weird. It's weird because I'm sixteen. But I'll be seventeen at the end of the month! And then I'll be eighteen in a year! A year's not that long!

Please be twenty-six.

"Lilly! Great to see you," Fletch says. "This is McFly."

Lilly. She smiles at us- all of us, somehow. She's one of those people who smiles with her whole face. Her eyes scrunch up and the tooth next to her left front tooth overlaps just a bit.

Someone ask this girl her goddamn age.

"Boys, introduce yourselves." Fletch instructs. Oh no.

"I'm Tom." Tom smiles, shaking her hand.

"Harry." Harry speaks, also shaking her hand.

Harry, ask. Ask her age. Please. You always say weird-

"Danny." Danny smiles.

Oh crap, I'm next.

No, it's fine. It's fine. I can do it. I talk to the guys all the time and Fletch and Richard - it's just like that. Come on Dougie-

"That's Dougie." Danny says. She puts her hand out to me, and I shake it. I can't look her in the eye. I look like such an idiot, not even being able to say my name. I was totally going to say my name if Danny hadn't first. Not that I'm mad at Danny. It was very nice of him. But I was gonna. I really was.

"I'm Lilly." She says, and I can't help but look at her now. Luckily, she's not looking at me. Her voice is soft but raspy. I don't know how else to describe it. Her eyes are so blue and so bright, and there's one spec of brown near the pupil in the right one.

Please, please, please be twenty-six. Be younger!

I can't stop looking at her, and the way her face moves when she talks and her hair falling over her shoulders, and how soft it looks. It's almost fluffy.

She's talking to Harry and Danny and Tom but I don't know what they're saying. I don't care. I want to stay here forever looking at her.

Okay- stop. Stop it, Dougie. Do not do this. There's no way Fletch would allow this and she's probably way too old for you, so just clean up the small pieces of your recently fractured heart.

Fletch's booming voice snaps me back to reality. "See you boys later. Behave." He's leaving? Why is he leaving? How much does he know about this girl to just leave us here? Is she gonna listen to us play? I don't know how I feel about that. It makes me nervous.

"You don't have a computer, do you?" Harry asks.

"What?" Lilly asks.

"What makes you say that?" Danny asks. I have no clue what they're talking about.

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