I Got Excited, I Lost My Mind

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November 1, 2005: Wonderland Tour; Ibiza, Spain 

I am so drunk. But I'm still not as drunk as Danny and Lilly.

Danny and Lilly have been taking shots of a drink called "Pisco Sour" all night and now they're literally passing a bottle of Pisco back and forth between them.

But whatever. It's Lilly's 21st birthday, the last night in Spain, and our album went to number one. We deserve to have a little fun.

But unfortunately for me, drunk or sober, that fun entails a lot of looking at Lilly, even if I don't want to be. At first, we were all dancing together, and then Danny broke away to be with some girl, and then Harry went somewhere, and at one point it was just me and Tom looking like two crazies on the dance floor, but now Tom has gone back to his room and somehow Lilly has found her way to me.

She's wearing this black dress that makes her all long, tan arms and legs. Her blonde hair was curly at the beginning of the night, but now it's wavy at best. She's glowing under the different colored lights in this club, and it's probably sweat because we're all sweaty. It's humid in Ibiza, even in November.

We've been jumping up and down to songs we literally know none of the words to, and Lilly's been yelling and it makes me laugh. Her eyes are smudged now with some black makeup around them and she's so beautiful.

And I'm drunk. I should tell her she's beautiful.


She yells, still jumping.

"Lilly!" I yell, over the music, still bobbing to the beat. She grabs my hands and we bob back and forth to the upbeat tempo together.

"Hiiiii Dougie!" She laughs.

"Lilly, I think you're beautiful." I say.

"WHAT?" She asks again.

"I said-" I clear my throat and speak louder. My voice is going horse. "I said I think you're beautiful!" I yell. She laughs. Okay...

"Dougie, you're so nice to me." She giggles. "Sometimes I wish you had been my boyfriend."

"Yeah me t-"

"Liam never ever ever called me beautiful." She says, still swaying. Still bobbing. Still holding my hands. "And I told him he was handsome all the time! And do you know what he said?"

"Did he-"

"He said he knew!" She laughs and starts jumping again. "WOOOO!" She yells.

But then she falls (over what, I don't know. She's wearing trainers.), and I catch her.

I have to admit, normally, I wouldn't be the guy that would get lucky enough to catch the girl he's dancing with, but there are so many people in here, and she is so close to me, I basically had no choice but to catch her.

"Oops!" She laughs, snorting, and I smile.

I'm just about to push her back up to her feet and start jumping again, but she doesn't let go. She's hanging on me, literally hanging, I'm not even holding onto her anymore, she's just hanging with her arms around my shoulders. She smiles up at me and I'm frozen. Then, she stands up and puts her hand on my cheek.

Oh, God.

She wraps both her arms so they drape around my neck and then she leans her forehead against mine.

Move away, Dougie.

But I'm frozen.

No, move! Move!

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