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   (Glory POV)

Glory wasn't sure she wanted to go to school, first of all there was this a obnoxious Deathbringer commenting on her every move and every look it was like having a stalker in the form of a cute boy. Yup she just said that. Second all they was that annoying Tsunami, she was Glory's friend but she was still annoying. Suddenly a text cut off my train of thoughts:

Want to meet at our headquarters? - Sunny ☀️ 

I responded with a short : Sure

I quickly went to my dressing room and changed into a lime green crop top, skinny jeans and some nikes and headed to my Tesla car. I suddenly heard obnoxious yelling and turns out in was my little sister Kinkajou I heard a series of waits so I waited for her to get ready. Kinkajou was always so happy except...


"Canopy!" I screamed. He had been left inside the burning building and there was nothing I could do. The tears wouldn't stop coming. 

Canopy was taken to the hospital bed he was slowly dying he looked at me knowing what was going to happen suddenly I heard his voice "Tak...e t..he ring G...lo...ry." I suddenly remembered the ring he always wore it was what gave him his power. I slowly took the ring and just then the line went dead. He was gone.

End of Flashback

That day was 3 weeks ago. That was the day my best friend died, my twin brother. The day I couldn't stop crying, the first time I saw Kinkajou cry, the most horrible day of my life. Not only did my twin brother die but my dad did too, not that I cared. Why I didn't? Because he was abusive since my mother cheated on him with Darkstalker. I snapped back to reality with Kinkajou yelling in my ears "LETS GO!" She screamed I grunted and headed toward the door to my Tesla. Kinkajou and I started driving toward The Jade Winglet and The Dragonets of Destiny headquarters. Sunny was there looking very happy like she always is. But she also has a dead sibling his name was Scorch and he was her twin brother too. Actually that why we formed these groups we all had dead loved ones.


Clay : Topaz

Sunny : Scorch

Me: Canopy

Starflight : Nightstar

Tsunami : Wave

Jade Winglet 

Turtle : Wave

Kinkajou : Canopy 

Moon : Nightstar

Winter : Frost 

Qibli : Scorch 

But so far only Sunny and Qibli were here since they lived together and all. Sunnys face brightened up when she saw me and she resisted the urge to  hug me since I don't like when people touch me.  "Hey!" She said. I nodded in return to say hi. Hey dirty blond hair was in a pony tail to the side and she was wearing a shortsleeved yellow shirt and some black jeans with Air forces. She looked pretty nice actually.

Next to arrive were Tsunami and Turtle, then Moon and Starflight, then Clay, then Winter.

We all started our hellos and started talking "So, does anybody have any plans?" Sunny asked to no one in particular. "I don't know maybe to strangle Deathbringer so he can stop following me."  Glory commented. Everybody laughed even though they knew she wasn't joking "I don't know, I met this girl over the summer her name is SnowDrift she seems pretty nice." Winter said. Everybody knew he liked Moon but moon was leaning over on Qibli's side so he started to get over her. "Well my summer...." They talked for a long time then Moon and Starflights alarms went off, everybody looked at them with a Seriously look. Moon shrugged helplessly. "I guess it's time to go to school." Moon said. Clay whimpered since he still had like 30 omelets left but he left anyways and got on his scooter I got back in my Tesla with Kinkajou behind me. Turtle and Tsunami went on Tsunamis bicycle. Starflight and Moon went on Starfights Volkswagen. Winter went on his Motorcycle. Sunny and Qibli went in Sunnys Chevrolet. 

I guess we were heading to school.


I just wanted to include some of Glory's past. Next will probably be Tsunami if not Sunny or Starflight.

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