8 months later
Alanna's point of view
With in the past 8 months things hadn't got better with Jaycee. They were the same. She still has all of her hair, but she has gotten a lot weaker. Justin is now on break and we decided to go to Miami for it. We flew Nikki, Ryan,
my dad, and Justin's family out to enjoy the 4th of July with us. The only thing I wish, is that Noah was here. He got sent over seas when jaycee was only 6 months old. And the only thing I want is for him to be here. Mine and Justin's relationship has gotten stronger over the past 8 months. We couldn't be happier If we tried too. After our first 3 months of dating, Justin and I did end up having sex again. The thing I was worried about is getting pregnant again. With Jaycee being sick there is no time to have a baby. We always have to be on edge with her, but thankfully nothing went wrong since we were back at home. She still gets chemo once a month and the dosage is the same. Which is a good thing. The cancer hasn't spread.It's now the Fourth of July and everyone is about to head out on the Yacht that Justin rented. When he get on the boat everyone got situated and then we left the dock.
Jaycee was on the front deck with Ryan, Nikki Jaxon, and Jazzy. While Justin took me on tour of the boat. When we got to the living room (the boat is like a house) someone was watching tv. I had to do a double take when he stood up.
"Noah." I said with tears in my eyes.
"Alanna." He said. I ran into his arms and started sobbing.
"What are you doing here?"
"I got out of it. When I was able to call dad, he told me about Jaycee being sick and they let me go, since it's a family issue. I still have to go to drill once a month but I'll still be in the states. Now where is that beautiful little girl of yours. It's been 2 1/2 years since I seen her last." He said chuckling.
"She's on deck with Ryan Nikki jazzy and Jaxon." I smiled.
"Hey Noah glad your back." Justin said shaking Noah's hand.
"It's good to be back." Noah smiled. "So how do you like being a father."
"Honestly, it's the best thing that's happened to me in a long time. Even though I only been in her life for less than a year, it feels like I've been here forever. And being with Alanna again makes everything better. I know when things go bad I'll have her by my side." He said looking and Noah and than smiled at me.
"I always knew you two would be back together." Noah chuckled. "Now l want to go see my niece." He whined.
We walked out to the front of the boat where jaycee and everyone else was. Ryan was holding jaycee so she could see the water. Which she was so fascinated with.
"Mommy!" She yelled squirming out of rans arms and jumped into mine.
"Hi baby girl." I said kissing her cheek. "I want you to meet someone. You met him but you were only a little baby at the time. This is my brother Noah. He's your uncle."
"Mommy I know that. You and Papa talk about him a lot." She smiled looking at him.
"Hi Jaycee. It's nice to meet you." Noah said stepping closer to me.
"Where were you?" She asked.
"I had business to do far way." He said taking her from me and holding her.
"Oh." She said.
The day ended up being lots of fun. Justin, ryan, Nikki, Noah, and I went out on the smaller boat for a couple hours while our parents watched the kids. And when we got back, dinner was ready.
That night
We were on the boat off the Gulf of Mexico and went to the back deck and watched the fireworks being lite off. Jaycee jaxon and jazzy were wore out and ended up going to bed at 9. So it was us and our parents along with Justin's grandparents. About half and hour later jazzy came running out.
"Lana, Justin, it's Jaycee. Her nose is bleeding and she's throwing up blood." She said crying. As soon as she finished her sentence Justin and I and everyone else ran into her room.
"Mommy." She cried holding her arms out for me.
"Shh is okay baby girl." I said rubbing her back. I knew that nothing was okay. Especially now. "Justin can you get me a rag and a trash can and call dr. Borne." I said with tears in my eyes. He nodded.
When he came back he gave me the towel and the rang and I started to clean her off. Although she was still spitting up blood, we got her nose to stop bleeding.
Justin walked out of the room and I could hear him on the phone with dr. Borne. Jaycee had her arms around my neck with her head in my neck. I grabbed her mini mouse blanket since she fell back to sleep and put it over her and walked back out on the deck and met Justin out there.
"So what did she say?" I asked Justin.
"She said to take her to emergency once we get in dock." He said running his hands through his hair.
We got back to everyone else and they all stood up. "How is she." My dad said making his way over and moving her hair out of her face.
"I got her back to sleep dad, but where going back in. Dr borne said to take her to emergency as soon as possible. She's so pale dad. She lost so much blood. I'm scared." I said crying a little more.
"Everything's going to be alright baby." Dad said giving me a kiss on my head.

Loving Jaycee
Fiksi PenggemarHad you ever thought about having a daughter that you never knew existed? Well justin Drew bieber found out he had a daughter from the life of his life Alanna Mathews and it turns out that he's daughter has something wrong with her. Find out what ha...