The Wedding

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Katara age sixteen: two years after the war ended

    I was getting married. I couldn't believe it either. This was the happiest day of my life yet I was miserable. I knew Aang had a crush on me when I was younger, but I never expected him to be in love. I guess I had hoped he'd grow out of it, but Aang and I hadn't spoken since I was fourteen. Today I was getting married and I don't think Aang is going to come. I felt tears starting to prick my eyes. Why did he have to ruin my special day, why couldn't he be here for me. How could he think I didn't love him, I miss him so much. I thought of our last argument. It was after I announced I was staying at the fire nation with Zuko. Aang was heart broken, and he hated me for it. I hated myself for it. Looking back, his words still ring through my ears.

Balcony of Jasmine Dragon, a week after the one hundred year war ended;
"Aang try to understand, I-I'm with Zuko now, I can't just leave him-"

"What about me!" He screamed tears running down his face.

"Katara I have no home to return to, no one waiting for me. You were my family, you told me that after I found the remains of my people, and now you're going to abandon me? You have Sokka, your father, your boyfriend, I have no one. No one at all"

"Aang" I said in between sobs. I reached for his shoulder but he turned away.

"You were all I had." He said quietly, and he walked away leaving me in tears.

       I had stayed in the fire nation and not accompanied Aang during the Harmony Restoration Movement. I stayed with Zuko, and together we fixed problems in the fire nation. After Ozai, the country was torn apart, and our marriage was a bit controversial. Me and Zuko had been dating for two years, so when he asked I said yes. It only made sense, in the Southern water tribe the age of marrying was sixteen, and eighteen in the fire nation. Of course, I wasn't from the fire nation, and many people didn't like that. Zuko's advisors recommended we follow every fire nation tradition. Everything was fire nation. It was key to maintaining peace.

       I had hoped to wear a beautiful blue silk gown, but I knew peace was more important than a silly dress. I looked down at the ring on my finger. Who knew I'd be getting married with a ring. I guess it was better this way, a betrothal necklace would've sparked to much outrage amongst fire nation citizens, and I already had my mother's anyways. I stood in front of the mirror, almost not recognizing myself. My hand flew to my hair where I saw the sleek updo with a gold pin holding it in place. Man I hated that thing. It was so tight, it hurt, and I wished more than ever I had my hair loopies. Gran Gran would've loved to see me get married in them, but this would have to do for her. I wondered if I would even see her, since the wedding was going to be huge and a very public event, with massive crowds.

     So here I was, in a small parlor in the fire nation palace. My new home, I thought to myself. I was getting married in 5 minutes, to the firelord, my boyfriend Zuko. I was going to become the official Fire lady , and live the rest of my days ruling at my husband's side. Yet five minutes before I was supposed to greet my dad to start our ceremony, I was crying. I tried to dab my eyes, not wanting to ruin all my makeup. I almost wanted to laugh bitterly.

     I freed Aang from an iceberg, I stood by his side and put myself in danger for him, a mere twelve year old boy I had just met. I had hoped for him, I brought him back to life, I cared for him, and he can't even talk to me over a stupid crush. He's really making me cry on my wedding day because I didn't follow him around the world when I was with Zuko?
"I left him. His family was dead, and I left him" , a voice in my head told me. I furiously blinked back tears. I didn't mean to leave him, but I was just being a supportive girlfriend. I'm not a bad person, he needed to accept that I was in love with someone else. It's been two years and he still won't talk to me.

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