Back To You

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Katara, age twenty one, the present, seven years after the war ended

This chapter takes place where the other one stops.

"Okay Katara, you got this." I told myself. I was the last water bender of the southern water tribe, and I was gifted with this incredible ability. Sure, the island was miles off the coast, but I would bend myself there, and if I stopped because I exhausted myself, I would just have to swim there. All in the name of true love, I thought as I started. I wasn't sure how to go about this, I started out by making ice before my feet, so I could run across. Turns out that's exhausting, who knew running could wear you out.

I decided to instead bend the water into a wave, that would carry me straight towards the island. Yeah, this was much simpler and quicker. I wanted to facepalm myself earlier for choosing to run the distance, that must've waisted precious time. Aang's been running from me since the war ended, and that stopped today. I started to see the outline of the island, though I was already extremely tired. Just a bit longer I thought. Finally I flung myself onto the island, and sat on the ground for a bit catching my breath. As I sat on the ground I saw Appa in the air, ascending up further and further. He was leaving.

"No" I whispered feeling heart broken, I was too late.
"No" I said again more firmly.
"It's not gonna end like this."

I had to get Aang's attention. I couldn't even see Appa's shape anymore since they were so high up, but after everything that's happened , I wouldn't let that stop me. Bending water from the ocean, I made a tentacle and launched it up into the air. I watched as it shot up into the clouds. Is it high enough? Did he even see it? I had no idea if it even worked. A minute went by and still no sign of him. I fell to my knees letting tears stream out of my eyes.

This was it. Aang would be in any part of the world, and it would take me a while to find out where. By then, maybe he would've met someone else, found peace in life without me. We called things off, and said goodbye to each other, and it would stay that way unless I left Zuko, and I did. I left him because I was ready to be with Aang, but it was all for nothing. I just lost the love of my life, again. The noise of my sobs were stifled by a great slamming noise. I turn around to see that Appa landed on the other side of the island. Appa's here, Aang is here. I got up to see a figure running towards me, Aang was running towards me.

"Aang!" I screamed throwing my arms around him.

"I'm so sorry for everything Aang please, please don't go. These past seven years have been hell without you. You can't become a stranger Aang, I won't let you, not after everything we've been through. You're my best friend Aang, and-and I love you. I know I've hurt you, but you have stop running away from me every time I hurt you, because I'm not going to hurt you anymore Aang, I promise. Don't avoid me, don't ignore this, don't say you don't love me, don't leave me, please Aang, just this once stay."

I lifted my head off of his shoulder waiting for his reaction. He looked down at me and I could see he was crying. I couldn't read his expression. Maybe I blew my last chance, maybe we were destined to fall apart the minute the war ended, maybe all the obstacles between us was the Universe telling us we shouldn't be together. His grey eyes were staring into mine. He gently cupped my face, bring me forwards as he kissed me. I felt our tears mix together as I gave everything I had into this kiss. The warmth of this kiss spread throughout my body and I felt him smiling against it.

"Katara I-I don't want to run away from you. I want to be with you Katara, probably for the rest of my life." I smiled wiping a tear out of his eye with my thumb.

"What's done is done, it's all in the past, but I love you Aang, so much, and I'm ready for the future, because I can't see one without you."

We were both laughing through our tears. I cupped his face again and pressed my lips against his, wanting him to know just how much I loved him. He spun me around, as I moved my arms around his neck. Everything was perfect. Almost perfect, I had an teensy secret that if I was correct, should now weigh the size of a mandarin. I broke our kiss.

"Aang there's something else you need to know."

Three Months Later, Katara age twenty One, Aang age nineteen, seven years after the war ended

    My teensy secret was now about the size of a papaya, which meant I was nearly as big as Appa. Pregnancy will do that to you. Aang still swears I'm just as beautiful as I was when he first saw me right after he had woken up from his ice prison. I sat down looking at the ocean. The water around air temple was much too dirty to bathe in, but I could always swim in the little pool Aang made me in the back. Next to me was a folded up tabloid, the cover featuring Mai and Zuko. They had just announced their relationship, and I knew it wouldn't be long before they announced their engagement.

Looking at the picture of the couple, I was reminded of the picture of Fire lord Ozai and Ursa. I stared at that picture right before I had left for Ember Island. I remember seeing the pain and sadness behind Ursa's eyes. She was concealing the truth and pretending to be happy. I was scared I was going to end up like her. Looking at Mai's eyes however, I only saw happiness. She and Zuko were happy, and that's all I ever wanted for Zuko, something I could never give him, and something he could never give me. As for Aang and I, well we were as happy as could be. Nothing was perfect, but it was close as perfection as one could be.

I felt my hair be tugged and I turned around to see Aang. He flashed his goofy smile that always melted my heart. He sat down next to me wordlessly and reached for my hand. After everything that had happened, seven years after he confessed he loved me when we were kids, we made our way back to each other. Things would've been much simpler if we had gotten together after the war, but maybe everything happened for a reason. I interlaced my fingers with him as we stared out to the big city. I leaned into his frame, feeling the familiar feeling of warmth in his embrace, as my eyes skimmed over the massive skyline. I was still adjusting to Republic City, and many places were still unfamiliar, but anywhere with Aang felt like home.


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