Illicit Affairs

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Mature content warning. NSFW

Katara age twenty one, seven years after war has ended, four months ago/ four months from the present:

    Moans filled my bedroom as Aang pushed into me. I gripped onto his back, digging my nails in as I did so. Pleasure washed over us as we released and he lay down next to me. We lay there for a minutes, beads of sweat covering our bodies. For a moment we just lay there looking at eachother. I ran my finger over his jaw, admiring his features. I would never truly get over how beautiful he was. I looked over at him smiling, nothing but pure bliss at the moment. Aang however was frowning. I didn't even bother asking what was wrong. I knew it. This was wrong. I was having an affair. I hated it. Aang hated it, he hated that I was married, and thing he hated more than the fact we couldn't be together, was the fact that we were together. We weren't supposed to be together but yet we lay tangled in each others limbs.

   He hated lying to his friends, he hated how this was going against every last moral we had. The last time this happened was a couple months ago, in the war room of the fire nation palace. When we were together we were savages, a burning passion clawing it's way to freedom, no matter where we were. I hated it too, but I couldn't deny my feelings any longer. Ever since the night in the cave, we've been in an affair, almost a year now. A year or clandestine meetings and longing stares. The lying was killing me the most. There was only one way this ended and we both new it. Finally Aang spoke

"I- I I can't do this anymore Katara." His voice was more shaky than usual. I prepared myself for what he was about to say.

"Cmon Aang."

"No Katara. Why why do you do this?"
Excuse me? He was blaming me, need I remind him it take two to do this, he was literally inside me not long ago-

"You-you've been torturing me my whole life. I've always loved you, and I think I always will. You broke my heart at age twelve and have been doing it ever since then. Now-" his voice started to sound angry and it was almost scary to watch.

"Now you just use me for sex. That's all it is for you right. The day in the cave, everything we said to eachother, it was all just talk. You-you know how I feel and you take advantage of it. It's messed up, we're lying to our friends and family, you're married to my best friend, this is so fucking messed up. If you truly loved me you'd call things off, you'd let me tell everyone the truth. Why Katara, why are you still with him, why are things never simple with us, why don't you love me the way I love you?"

"Aang," I say my voice breaking.
"how could you say that , how could you think that-"

His eyes brimmed with tears. His voice softened.
"Katara you know what you need to do, something you should've done a long time ago. And you're right, I'm just as equally to blame for everything that's happened, but I'm ready to start fixing things Katara. I just don't think you are. I don't think you want to." He got up not even bothering to put his clothes on and walked around the room.

"We can't keep doing this, it has to stop."

"I know."

    He turned back at me almost looking hurt. He always thought he had such a moral high ground, calling things off, and expecting me to beg him to stay. That was the usually routine anyways. But this time I was saying no. The truth is I didn't want him to go, but he was right. This was wrong. I can tell he didn't really want me to agree. There was a selfish part of him that wanted me to fight him on this. He sat down on the bed cupping my face and bringing our temples together.

"When will I see you again?" His breath was warm and his hands were soft as he spoke.

"I don't know." I said closing my eyes.

"I can't keep waiting for you Katara." He paused planting a kiss on my forehead. He sucked in a breath as he shimmied on his robes.

"So then this is goodbye." He looked at me one last time before he took off on his glider.

"I know" I said softly .

This is NOT the end of the book! A couple more chapters to come, but we are nearing the climax! Thank you for all the stars and comments x!

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