Last kiss

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Katara age 17, three (almost four years after war ended)

Aang had just turned 16, which meant that I would turn 18 not too many months after. For the first time since Zuko and I had married, we were going to leave the fire nation. I had pretty much begged him to come to this party, and partially due to my brother, we were on our way. Over the span of almost two years since my wedding, Aang and I had become best friends once again. It wasn't always easy to make time for each other, him having a duty to the world, and me now having a nation to help rule over, but we always had days to ourselves. The last time we had seen each other was only a month or two ago, but that now felt like too long. He was a part of my life, and being with him brought back every happy feeling from child hood. Being friends again was like balance being restored.

       Okay maybe I'm a bit dramatic, I always have been one for sappy speeches, but everything feels right again. I think my suspicion may have been right, and the reason there was so much tension and awkwardness between Toph and I before was because she took Aang's side. I'm not mad about that anymore, I get he was upset and needed to confide in someone, but me and Toph are finally close again, like we once were. There weren't many times we hung out as a group before anyways, but now that Aang and I were taking to eachother, we could. I realized I put my brother and and other members of team avatar in an uncomfortable position, but now we could all be together again.

     Even after Aang and I's fight, he continued being best friends with Sokka, which explains why my idiot brother was throwing this party in the first place. Yup, Sokka planned the whole thing and was calling it Aang's sweet One hundred and sixteen. It may have sounded pretty dumb, but I must say I'm not only impressed with Sokka, but also happy that it's happening. He planned it months in advance, making sure all or our schedules lined up. For once, me and Zuko would get to leave the fire nation, and the best part was we were headed for the South Pole.

     I was a bit shocked when I found out that's where Aang picked to have his party, I was sure he was going to pick republic city. A bustling city with a cultural fusion of the four nations, what more could an avatar with ties to each element want? Me I thought. There had been countless times where Aang wanted the entire team to see the city, even though Sokka had already visited. But he was choosing to spend it at the South Pole for me. Not too long ago I broke down in sobs telling him how much I missed home. I mentally face palmed, not your finest moment Katara. Aang knew that this could be one of my few opportunities to visit, and he was having this party here for me. So here Zuko and I were, on a fire navy ship on the way to the South Pole. We were pretty much here. I hadn't been in a while, but sokka told me to prepare to for what I saw.

       He described a massive city, even bigger than the northern water tribe, that had sprung up during the time of peace. During war reconstruction meetings, I've always heard Zuko's advisors say "war stunts growth". Just like Aang after the war, the South Pole sprouted and grew into this unrecognizable city. The closer we got, the more distinctively I could see the city outline, and four little figures. One girl in Kioshi makeup, the other girl holding on tightly to one the boys, since she couldn't see in ice, two boys, surprisingly the same height, one of them being my brother, and other an one hundred sixteen year old, bald vegetarian with immense power and kindness.

"Aang!" I screamed. I looked ahead to see we were already close enough to the shore. Impatience over ruled me, and I saw Zuko smile as I bent a huge wave a water to take me directly to my friends. I slid down, excitement taking over as I saw there faces much more clearly.

"Katara!" He yelled matching my enthusiasm and running towards me. I threw my arms around his neck and squeezed him tight. Since he seemed to grow every time I saw him, his enthusiasm managed to lift me off my feet, and perhaps it was air-bending, but I was twirled around. Behind me I saw Suki, Sokka, and Toph running towards me, and I ran to go give them a hug. Sokka pulled the gold pin that held my hair in place out and I glared at him.

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