The Best Date

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Katara age 17: three years after war ended.

It's been a barley a year after I got married to Zuko, and things couldn't be worse. Okay I sound so cynical when I say that, and I truly hate myself for it. My husband has been nothing but supportive, but this marriage was the root of our problems. I knew our marriage wouldn't be smooth, and it's only been three years since the war ended, and you can't expect everyone to change, but man was I hated. Being the first Fire Lady not from the fire nation was taking its toll. For the past couple of months I've been in a sort of depression. Normally words wouldn't get to me, but death threats were another thing.

I felt scared to leave the palace, but I hated being trapped inside. At times when Zuko was asleep I would silently sob into my pillow. What was I doing wrong? I had been and was following every single stupid fire nation law, but it wasn't enough. These people were never going to accept me, so I stopped trying. Most days I didn't leave my room, if I wanted to go anywhere I was to be accompanied by guards. And even gaurds couldn't prevent the massive group of people saying horrible things of the water tribes, and boasting fire nation superiority. The only thing keeping me going was my letters.

The only good thing my marriage brought was me and Aang's friendship back together. After I chose to stay with Zuko (my boyfriend at the time) Aang was heartbroken and I thought he would never forgive me. As much as I understood his pain, I don't think he understood the postition I was in. But it's been two years and he's matured. Well maybe he has, we never really talked about it, and I wasn't about to bring it up again. We were best friends and we were happy.

I hadn't seen him since the wedding, which made sense, both of us now being important political figures. For a while I thought us being friends at the wedding was just a charade, he was still upset, and only came because Sokka forced him too. But I was pleasantly surprised when I received my first letter from him. He told me all about Republic City and how amazing it was. From the sound of it, you could meet just about anyone from anywhere, and it was massive, unlike any city we had even been too. I wanted to go so badly, and he wanted me to visit, and we always talked about it in our letters. Today, however I was finally going to see Aang.

It was all Zuko's idea. He knew I'd been in a sort of depression from being locked in here. He suggested we invite Aang over to spend the day at the palace. Today I would finally get to see him. He was supposed to come pretty early so we could really spend the full day together, and Aang had no problem getting up early, so I wondered where he was. Shouldn't he be here by now? What if something happened- instantly my negative thoughts were cut short when I heard his laughter.

Aang always had the contagious boyish laughter, that I could recognize anywhere. Out of my window I saw he and Zuko in the courtyard with Appa talking. I sprinted down as fast I could. I was vaguely aware of the palace staff judging me but I didn't care, I could tell my precious bun was starting to loosen up, and I was sure any minute now I'd trip on my own gown, but I didn't care. Finally I felt the sunlight hit my face as I made my way outside.

"Aang!" Is screamed throwing arms around his neck. It was still taking me time to adjust to the fact he was taller than me, it was crazy how my shoulder was now his chin rest. He broke our hug grinning broadly.

"Okay hurry up, although won't you be uncomfortable dressed like that?" He took my hand and started to glide me towards Appa, and I wanted nothing more than to ride Appa again, but I felt Zuko watching us, and I knew what he was gonna say. He beat me to it before I could even explain.

"Aang, it's not such a good idea that you and Katara leave the palace."
He frowned.

"Why not?"

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