C8 - Sunlight

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Akasuki gazed up at the blazing sun above shielding her eyes as she fanned her face, on a day like this, she always preferred to stay in and read. But that was not happening today. Reiji and Tatsuo had spent the whole morning up to midday screaming and complaining because, their mother wouldn’t let them wear thick woolly jumper in this weather, so they could go meet their father in the city. Completely insane. Just why would they even think jumpers are okay in this weather? Akasuki shook her head sighing to herself, that’s why she excused herself to get away from the noise. Plus, they ran out of her favourite snacks so it’s an even better excuse to get them. She made her way into the corner shop, thanking the gods for the invention of air conditioner, making her way through the well-known aisles. Where are they? She stretched her neck picking up a couple of other items, catching a glance of the desired snack, found it. She reached out to grab it, her fingers colliding with another's, sending her into a burning mess. What does she do? She pulled back with a weak chuckle,
“sorry, you can,” she was interrupted by a yell, “Kenma!”
Hm? That voice sounded so familiar. Her eyes widened, wait. Kenma? No way, is that Kuroo? She looked up just in time to see Kuroo turn the corner grinning,
“I found you,” his sight flickered to her, “and apparently you found Akasuki!”
Huh? She glanced to the slim but short fingers still lingering over hers, no way. She travelled up the arm to their face, two glowing eyes staring back at her, Kenma. She instantly pulled away stupidly laughing, playing with her fringe in attempt to hide her red cheeks, how embarrassing,
“hey guys!”
Kuroo jogged over to them, a pack of six sport drinks in his arms. Are the others here too? A smile firm on his face,
“what a coincidence to see you here.”
Akasuki shrugged smiling,
“just doing a little bit of shopping yanno.”
A little bit of shopping? That sounds so stupid, Jesus Akasuki. Kuroo chuckled glancing to Kenma holding a box of small individual apple pies in his hands,
“for those?”
She nodded glancing to Kenma’s hand then to the shelf. And somehow, they’re the last ones, shit. She’s not even surprised; this was how her life worked. Kuroo sighed reaching out to take the box from Kenma, yet he wouldn’t budge, his grip was tight. He must really like them. She frowned, but so did she.
“Kenma,” Kuroo muttered, Kenma’s eyes narrowed, it was like watching someone take sweets from a kid.
“Actually,” Akasuki cleared her throat, make something up Akasuki, turning to scan the mountain of other snacks upon the shelves, how about, “ah!” she grabbed a hold of a box of small mixed-berry pies, “I,” right, she held it out with a weak smile, “I prefer these.”
Kuroo hummed unconvinced before snatching it from her hands, as well as the other items. She tried to argue,
“wait Kuroo,”
“I’ll get everything, you two,” he glanced to Kenma with a heavy glare, “wait outside.”
Kuroo, she frowned rummaging around in her bag, pulling out her purse lifting it up to him,
“at least let me,”
A hand landed on top of hers, Akasuki looking up to see Kenma push her hand down muttering,
“don’t try.”
Oh but, she frowned following Kenma out of the store, she felt bad. The pair stepped out, Kenma immediately ducking into the shadows. She was not surprised by that at all. Akasuki leaned against the wall of the shop, maybe it is just these two. She glanced over to Kenma staring down at his phone, he could at least make some conversation with her.
“Hey, look at this cutie,” a voice called.
Huh? Akasuki’s eyes were focused on the ground, dismissing anything around her. She briefly glanced up  in time to catch their gaze before hastily turning away. Holy shit. What doe she do?
“Mate, you have no chance with her,”
They neared closer to her, fuck, what is she going to do? They reached her, panic spreading through her.
“Hey,” the first guy spoke with a smirk, “do you come here often?”
Please just stop talking to her, the boy closest to him laughed slapping his back,
“that’s not how you talk to girls!”
The last boy grinned at her holding out his hand, please just stop,
“I’m Levi, I apologise for my friends here.”
She felt pressure of a hand on her shoulder as Kenma appeared beside her with an unpleasant face, Kenma? The boys shared a look before continuing to speak,
“Is he, your boyfriend?”
What? Is, her eyes widened while looking to Kenma, this a chance to escape their attempts? His lips moved quicker than hers,
The boys grinned widely,
“perfect, how about your number then?”
“And your name,”
Number? Name? No way, her cheeks were beginning to burn. The shop door opened as Kuroo strode up holding a shopping bag over his shoulder with a cocky grin. Kuroo! His eyes sparked as he scanned the boys before him,
“what’s up?”
Two of them backed off as the one called Levi stood his ground, she hated the fact she was relying so hard on Kuroo,
Kuroo ignored him as he shoved through joining Akasuki’s side wrapping his arm over her shoulder, huh? Wait, she knows this move, they always use it in movies whenever a girl gets hit on by random guy,
“it’s funny,” what’s funny? “I keep hearing these weird sounds, do, you, hear anything?” he paused shooting the boy’s an intense glare, “babe?”
Fuck, this guy, Akasuki couldn’t help but grin, what does the girl normally do to play along? A-ha! She linked her fingers up with Kuroo’s sticking her tongue slightly over her lips slyly,
“I don’t hear anything.”
Kuroo grinned,
“perfect! Time to go,” he turned Akasuki away from the boys, pulling Kenma’s shoulder along with them until they were completely out of their sight.
Thank fuck, Akasuki pulled away from Kuroo with a heavy sigh, why did she have to live in a world where girls feared for the arrival of boys? Kuroo frowned glancing to Kenma,
“are, you okay?”
Okay? She nodded slowly muttering under her breath,
“yeah, yeah.”
Kuroo reached out to squeeze her shoulder, Akasuki instinctively backing up, she was okay. He frowned, crossing his arms. She should thank him.
“Um, thanks for that,” Akasuki insisted rubbing her beck, “I should probably head, home, though.”
Kuroo sighed,
“why not hang out with us a little longer?”
“I don’t think it’s a good idea,” Akasuki whispered.
“You’re gonna let a couple of idiots ruin your day?” Kuroo groaned taking a seat at a nearby bench.
Yes, no, maybe. She wasn’t sure anymore. Kenma sat beside him rummaging around in the bag.
“Why can’t you just,” he leaned forward with a smirk, “hang out with your boyfriend?”
Gross, well, she tilted her head at him, he’s attractive but, her eyes flickered to Kenma sat beside him, he’s prettier. A part of her wanted Kenma to stand up for her. Kenma pulled something from the bag opening it with a clumsy tear, holding it out to her,
They’re, the apple pies? She moved forward to take the space left beside Kenma, carefully taking one,
Kenma shrugged muttering,
“no big deal.”
Very big deal. This is the first time he’s properly spoken to her. This is a massive deal. She took a pie with a grin leaning forward to catch Kuroo’s eye,
“what are you two up to anyway?”
Kuroo returned a grin,
“just hanging out, how about you?”
“Just hanging out,” Akasuki teased, “oh Kuroo, thanks for the things.”
“My pleasure,” Kuroo chuckled, “but you could’ve told me you had feminine products.”
Oh shit, her cheeks grew red as she let out an embarrassed laugh,
“I’m so sorry, you rushed it and I forgot about it and,”
“Deserves him right,” Kenma muttered.
She chuckled,
“you shouldn’t be embarrassed though; every man should be able to buy those things for their partner.”
“Man,” Kenma scoffed lightly.
He was close to a man in her eyes. Kuroo slapped his arm,
“whatever, like you’d ever get stuff like that.”
Kenma squinted at him, Kuroo had a point,
“I would.”
Would he? Akasuki couldn’t see it but she wanted to witness it someday.
“Whatever,” Kuroo scoffed, “you won’t even order your own food.”
Ouch. Kenma rose from his seat, furrowed brows as he turned to Akasuki,
“what do you want?”
“What?” she blurted, what does she want?
Kenma’s cheeks grew pink as he averted his gaze,
“the products, what kind do you want?”
“Um,” she glanced at Kuroo who was trying to contain back his laughter, is he serious, “you don’t have to prove yourself to him, you know,”
“It’s not for him,” Kenma muttered before repeating his question, “what do you want?”
“just some, pads I guess.”
This was completely embarrassing. Kenma nodded making his way towards the way they came.
“Oh Kenma!” Kuroo called, “a pack of,”
Kenma lifted his finger at him causing Kuroo to burst out laughing, slapping his knees. They must be pretty close after all.
“He’s such an idiot,” Kuroo chuckled to himself, “a talented idiot but nonetheless, an idiot.”
He’d probably say the same about Kuroo to be honest. Akasuki glanced around before clearing her throat,
“I, am thankful for what you did back there.”
Kuroo glanced at her sensing a story time coming,
“well,” he leaned forward on his knees, “I actually didn’t have a clue about anything,” he paused, “Kenma messaged me. I’m glad he did, it shows he’s starting to accept you.”
Accept her? So,
“he wouldn’t have done anything if he didn’t like me?”
Kuroo shrugged,
“he’s a tricky one, but I don’t think you have to worry about being disliked,” it’s a constant worry, “not with is.”
Not with them. She looked up into the sky, the sun blazing down on her skin. Not with them. She smiled at the thought of his words. Her eyes shot down to meet Kenma on the other side of road holding his phone out. He’s a curious one. He shuffled over taking his seat, handing her the bag in silence. Pretty as well.
“Thank you,” Akasuki smiled.
She couldn’t help but wonder about him. He’s an interesting guy. Kenma held out a drink to her, Akasuki taking it, her fingers brushing over his, sending a flourish of sensations through her body. Shit, she pulled back, cheeks red, that was awkward, but she glanced away grip tightening around the bottle, it kinda felt, nice. She leaned back into the bench. Today’s going to be a long one.
“Let’s play a game,” Kuroo spoke out, mouth semi full of food.
“Eye spy?” Akasuki suggested, the first thing that came to her mind.
“I spy with my little eye,”

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