Rescue mission - Chap 47

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Suddenly the door opened, a figure appearing, the gym filling with soft moonlight. Ah! The rush of cold air flooded into the gym. Jesus Christ.
"So, you really are locked in," a familiar salty voice remarked.
Oh god.
"Tsukki!" Tadashi exclaimed, scrambling to his feet, sprinting to him, throwing his arms around him, "thank you so much!"
Akasuki felt Tsukishima's cold eyes staring at her. What's his problem now?
"Come on guys, we're free!" Tadashi stepped away from Tsukishima, grinning at the pair.
Hm, Akasuki didn't trust him one bit. His stare was colder than usual. Bokoto pushed himself up holding his hand out to Akasuki, who took it briefly keeping Tsukishima's glare. As if reading her mind, Tsukishima stepped into the gym, arms crossed, the door slamming shut behind him.
"I fucking knew it," Akasuki muttered.
"Tsukki?" Tadashi questioned sadly, shaking the door.
It wasn't opening.
"I bet you did this on purpose," Tsukishima growled in Akasuki's direction.
Is he serious?
"What is your problem man?" Akasuki hissed, stepping towards where she last remembered him to be.
Bokoto still holding her hand, choosing to follow her. She had enough of his shit. All she wanted to do is go to bed and bloody sleep. She thudded into something, presumably Tsukishima.
"What are you going to do about it?" Tsukishima harshly muttered.
Holy shit. This guy drives her insane.
"Are you fucking serious?" Akasuki jabbed her finger into his chest, "what is your problem with me?" 
"Come on," Bokoto insisted pulling Akasuki back.
"Mind her, she's a slippery one," Tsukishima remarked.
Holy shit. Akasuki's fiery was unpretentious as she slipped her hand from Bokoto's reaching out to grab Tsukishima's jumper, he even has a jumper on, 
"come on, give me a good reason why I shouldn't do it?"
Thoughts and frustration were flying around in her head, nothing was clear anymore. She couldn't stop thinking back to her. Rue. That's who Tsukishima reminded her of. Rue.
"I fucking dare you," Tsukishima egged her on.
Fuck, Akasuki grip tightened, shit.
"Bokoto can you," Tadashi cleared his throat, "spilt them up?"
"What?" Akasuki and Tsukishima blurted.
Abruptly Bokoto's arms wrapped tightly around Akasuki lifting her from her feet. No way,
"let go," she warned, wiggling.
"Not until you calm down," Tadashi demanded, "Tsukki, stop antagonising Akasuki, and Akasuki, stop being so aggressive."
"She started it,"
"He started it,"
Bokoto continued to drag her away,
"I swear to god," she continued to wriggle, "Bokoto, drop me, or I, I'll,"
"Hurt me?" Bokoto chuckled, "I doubt that.
Right. She wouldn't hurt him. He's done nothing. She stopped wiggling,
"okay, just put me down."
"You calm?" Bokoto asked.
"Yep," as calm as she could be right now.
Bokoto's arms loosened, dropping her foot to the ground. Thank god. She cleared her throat,
"It's fine, I'm over it."
"Really?" Bokoto chuckled lowering his voice, "a tad pissed he didn't let me out before starting on you."
Wow, Akasuki shook her head laughing, he's such a dork,
"well, I'm glad you're here."
"So you're not alone with those two?"
"Well, Tadashi and I are cool, he just,"
"Dislikes you?"
Akasuki hummed, she still had no clue why.
"Yamaguchi," Bokoto called out, "it's chill here."
"Same here," Tadashi called back, "we're coming over."
"Cool, cool cool," Akasuki muttered brushing her hair back.
Bokoto chuckled,
"let me handle it."
Sure thing. Like that's going to go over well. She heard footsteps approaching before Tadashi spoke out,
“okay so,"
"Akasuki, apologise," Bokoto ordered.
What? Is he serious? She went to argue but she felt Bokoto slap her arm,
"uh yeah okay, I'm sorry for being rude."
"Thank you," Tadashi beamed, "Tsukki, it's your turn."
Tsukishima grumbled before sighing,
"it was childish of me to lock us in,"
"Fuck yeah it was," Bokoto scoffed, "what are we meant to do now?"
Well. He kinda handled it.
"I don't know," Tadashi sighed, "I'm kinda tired."
Akasuki felt that, lowering herself to the ground leaning against the wall,
"ditto man."
Tadashi chuckled, Akasuki feeling a body softly connect with hers, his voice filling her ears,
"let's sleep."
How did he do it? How does Tadashi calm every nerve in her body? She rested her head against his with a hum. Sleep.
"It's kinda cold though," Tadashi murmured, Akasuki started to feel the cold too.
"I," Akasuki started.
"I brought another jumper," Tsukishima interrupted.
"Awe Tsukki," there was a ruffle of clothing as Tadashi pulled it on, "thanks."
"I'm cold too," Bokoto murmured, lowering himself down to Akasuki's side.
Is he trying to get a jumper from Tsukishima too? There was no response, as Bokoto continued to lean into Akasuki,
"so cold."
Akasuki sighed, he's not going to drop it,
"I have a scarf in my bag, it's kinda like a small blanket, you can use,"
"Really?" Bokoto exclaimed moving away from her, presumably rummaging in her bag, "found it!"
"Shouldn't it be you offering Suki you're jumper?" Tadashi frowned.
"Nah, she wouldn't like that," Bokoto admitted re-joining her side.
That's true, she'd feel being in another guy's jumper.
"It's only a jumper," Akasuki added, "but I'm not cold anyway,"
"I can hear your teeth chattering from here," Tsukishima remarked.
Him again?
"Quiet you," Bokoto warned wrapping the scarf over himself and partly over Akasuki.
"Thanks," she whispered.
She felt a small, familiar hand sneak into hers pulling it into a warm pocket. Tadashi. She smiled to herself as she shut her eyes,
"should we take shifts?"
"I'll go first with Akasuki," Tadashi suggested.
"You're tired," Akasuki whispered glancing to Tadashi, a breath of air hitting her shoulder as he laughed, "its worth it,"
"I'm out," Bokoto muttered.
"I'm doing it," Tsukishima stated, "Sleep Yams."
Right. It makes sense. He wouldn't want Tadashi and her to be alone.
"Okay," Tadashi yawned, "play nice."
She'll try. Akasuki sat in silence, Tadashi occasionally squeezing her hand as he shifted in his sleep. While Bokoto, non-surprisingly had began to snore. Life is great. Akasuki sighed lowering her head into her arms,
There was a grumble of acknowledgement from Tsukishima. He must feel the same. Fuck. Okay. Now feels like the time to confront him. Its not like he can do anything.
"Tsukishima," Akasuki spoke slowly.
Another grumble.
"Did I," she cleared her throat glancing to his shadow, "do something to hurt you?"
There was silence. Plain silence. The whistling of the wind outside filling her senses. No, what did she expect? Of course he's not going to talk.
"I'm sorry I ask,"
"No," Tsukishima muttered, oh?
She glanced to him frowning, what is it then,
"Why do we clash so much?"
"You failed," failed?
"What do you mean?" she asked, curious with his choice of words.
"He wanted love. You didn't give it to him," he stated coldly.
Right, okay. But Tadashi didn't want her love either? He wanted his? Why is this a problem?
"So, you're saying. I failed to love him so it's my fault, you two, are together now?"
"then what?"
"I wanted him to have a normal relationship," normal? "Like, girl and guy,"
"You're too scared to accept his love," Akasuki scoffed, "and you take that out on me, because, I, failed to make him love me?"
More silence followed. As if Tsukishima had ultimately just left. But no, he hadn't. His shadow was sitting still, he had no words.
"You should sleep," Tsukishima muttered.
Right. Okay. Avoid her question. She sighed lowering her head, loosely taking a hold of scarf to pull it slightly over herself,
"I'm sorry Tsukishima," she laid her head against the wall closing her eyes, she had nothing else to say to him.

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