TTH, GD, and KH All Meet

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Before we start, for anyone how doesn't know what TTH, GD, and KH stand for, it basically just the names of the Danganronpa games: 'Trigger Happy Havoc', 'Goodbye Despair', and 'Killing Harmony' just in case anyone is confused. Also, the only characters in this chapter I'm excluding are fat Togami, Hifumi, Teruteru, and Izuru because I can. Fight me-

~Shuichi's POV~
-Time skip to 2 months after the nature walk-
Time to me feels like it's going by really slow even though it's only been 2 months. It feels like I've been in this place for years. I've also started wearing my hat more often now. I don't even know why I'm wearing it now...I just am. But even so, everyday is just always the same. I wake up and eat breakfast, go back the my room and lock the door so I can read in peace, go out again for lunch, go back to me room to read again, go back out for one last time for dinner, then go to check on Kokichi and ask Nagito how he's doing, and go back to my room once more to read and then go to sleep. I would also have to use the bathroom a few times but that was basically my everyday life. I wouldn't really talk to anyone besides Makoto, my friends, and Nagito. This morning though, was different. Makoto came in around 9 a.m., which is usually when I wake up, to tell me something apparently.

"Hey Shuichi. You doing good?" He asked as he walked over to the desk and sat on the chair that was there.

"I think I'm alright...I don't really know..." I responded. I probably sounded emotionless or robotic to him.

"Well, today, a little after lunch, we're gonna have everyone from all the games meet each other and possibly make new friends." His statement piped my curiosity as I looked at him.

"Is everyone gonna be there? Like...Junko too?" I asked. I was kinda nervous to meet Junko since she was really feared in Danganronpa because of her despair fetish.

"Yes, she'll be there, but she obviously won't do anything. The game just chose her to act the way she did. Nothing in Danganronpa was real, so Junko isn't actually that crazy. She still kinda is because, well, it's how she was raised. But, she's not the same girl who was obsessed with despair," he spoke. After hearing that, I calmed down a little since Junko wasn't the same person she seemed to be.

"Oh, and also, this is mandatory. Everyone is coming so that you can have people to talk to if and when you need to when we aren't here help you. Plus, it's a good time to get to know people who have similar interests!" Makoto did have a point. There's gotta be at least a few people there who I can talk to when I need to.

"Alright, thanks for the info, Makoto. I'll be sure to come."

"Good. I'll see you then!" Then, he left my room and I decided to get ready for the day. Since I'm actually gonna be meeting new people, I decided to take my hat off, just for today, so people can see who I am. Once I was finished getting ready, I went to the common room and saw everyone else already there. Kirumi has already made my food and I just took it and sat down with Kaede, Miu, Kaito, Maki, Himiko, and Tenko.

"Hey, did you guys hear about what's going on after lunch?" asked Himiko.

"Yeah, I think we all did," Maki replied. We all nodded our head in agreement. I spaced off for a while until someone called out my name, bringing me back.

"Hey Shuichi, why do you have your hat off?" asked Kaede.

"Oh, I'm just taking it off for today so I can look fine for the meeting. After today, I'm most likely gonna put it back on."

"Oh, ok..." After breakfast, I actually went to Kokichi's room to check on him since I probably wouldn't have any other time to do that today. I tried to look in, but the blinds were closed.

'Why are they closed? Sure, I'm seeing him at a different time, but that shouldn't be an excuse for having Kokichi's blinds shut. Why is that-' My thoughts were interrupted when someone walked opened the blinds. I looked to see who opened it and it was Byakuya. He seemed surprised that I was there so when he came out, he asked me why I was starring at the closed blinds.

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