The Chaotic Cousins

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I've waited so long to write this chapter. This is just basically the chaotic friendship Nagito and Kokichi have-

~Hajime's POV~
Today was Sunday and Nagito and I saw an improvement in Kokichi's mental health and stability. He started helping us around the house a lot more often then when we first arrived and hung out a lot more with Nagito and I. Usually, he'd stay in the room and text either Keebo, Kirumi, or Rantaro and scroll through YouTube. But now, he seemed to be more open towards us. It made me and Nagito very happy to see him in such high spirits. Nagito and I were currently sitting on the couch, cuddling with each other and talking about random things.

"I'm so happy to see Kokichi is getting better. Do you think something happened to him when he went to the mall with his classmates yesterday?" Nagito asked.

"I have no idea, but it must've been something good because when he came home, he hugged the both of us. Maybe he ran into someone or had something good come to him."

"Oh yeah! Kokichi told me he ran into his sister, Celestia, there." Wait...Celestia Ludenburg? They're related?!? I knew it!!

"YES! I KNEW THEY WERE RELATED!" Nagito laughed at my comment.

"Yeah. I think believe she's also married to Kyoko." I was even more shocked. She was married to Kyoko?!?

"Wait actually?!?" Nagito nodded his head.

"Geez I'm slow."

"Yes you are, orange juice," Nagito commented.

"Oh be quiet, hope bagel," I countered.

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"You're weird."

"You think don't know that?" I laughed. His little comments always made me laugh.

"Ok but actually, I can't believe we're getting married soon," I said having a small blush on my cheeks.

"Yeah same. It seemed like it was just yesterday when we met."


"Hey! Let's make a bet," Nagito spoke as he sat up.

"What is it?" I asked, tilting my head to the side. Nagito just smirked.

"One of us is gonna have to wear a dress at the wedding and I'm sure neither of us wanna do that, so let's play Rock Paper Scissors to decide who wears it. The loser has to wear a dress to the wedding." Oh hell no! This dude is the Ultimate Lucky Student! There no way I'm winning a game of Rock Paper Scissors against him!!

"No way. You'd win."

"That's the point! I don't have to worry about anything since I'll just trust my luck and you'll be the one wearing the dress!" Nagito laughed. I shook my head.

"No. We're both wearing suits to the wedding," I stated. Nagito frowned.

"You're no fun," he whined. I just laughed at gave him a kiss on the cheek. He blushed and gave me one back. We then went back to cuddling. Not too long after, Kokichi came out of him room and walked into the living room where Nagito and I were at.

"That's gay."

"You're gay too," Nagito countered, smirking.

"Yeah, but at least I'm gayer than you." Nagito then sat up. Oh no. They're gonna doing this again?

"You wanna bet?!?"

"Yeah! Bring it on!!" Nagito then picked Kokichi up and put him over his shoulder and left him there.

A Saiouma Virtual Reality AU Story [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now