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(This is how tae would be looking in this chapter)

Tae's POV-

I woke up with a badly hammering head.I couldn't figure out my thoughts.I was in a unfamiliar room, unfamiliar yet a calming scent all over the place.Putting two and two together ,I could remember everything happened with me some hours ago.

My howling in pain of getting marked by its mate without consent.I subconciously touched my neck whimpering when my fingers slightly brush past the mate mark. He felt his tears pricking at his eyes.If he was asked few days back ,he would have thought the worst thing to happen to him was not being able watch the fair that is being conducted in their pack this year but here he is. Crying his eyes out thinking about everything that went south after he accidently went to the damn fair. He should'nt have went there. He should have listened to his Eomma. Atleast for once.

He's happy. Atleast his wolf is getting to smell this comforting smell of their mate, instead of getting chained down in the dungeons ,he's sleeping in a very comfortable;way too comfortable mattress with clean dresses which belongs to his mate because of their smell.

My train of thoughts break when the door slowly opens and the former Luna peaks from the door.

"Oh hey my child.I see you are awake.How are you feeling?"

"Ohh Luna! I'm fe-eling alright.I'm sorry for not being able to bow to you."

"It's okay my child. But you can call me mom. I'll be glad if you become comfortable around me." The eldest of the two replied sensing the omega's nervousness.

"Okayy Lu-Mom. No offence bu-ut Whe-re am I?"

"You're at your mate- I mean the pack house which is for the Head Alpha and now it's your's too. Are you hungry? You have been sleeping for the whole day!Cmon Tae! Then you can meet the kids too."


"Tae you do know that Jungkook has 2 kids right?"

He nodded his head which gave me a sign to keep talking.

"Jungkook had a girlfriend whom he got pregnant and she's the mother of both the kids-Jeon Junghee and Jeon Junghan.Junghee is an alpha while Junghan is an omega."

"Where is she-i mean the mother of the kids? And if alpha had a girlfriend then why did he mark me?"

"She didn't like the idea of having kids and specifically an omega as her son so after giving them birth she left them at the hospital while the kids were just a day old. You can't imagine how hard it was for Hannie. He was so small,fragile and he kept crying. And he still is like that.Small and fragile."

"Oohh.So they live here too? What if they don't like me?"

"Whatt? no .They will love you.It'll take Hannie some time to open upto you.But Junghee will open upto you very soon.They were always criticised because there mother left them and it was bad for Hannie as he was picked on because he is an omega. So take your time but don't hate them. I know once you meet them, you're going to love them. okay?"


The door slamed open and I can feel myself getting intoxicated in those heavenly smell. Those brown orbs staring right at me hold nothing but dominance and reek power and authority.

"Eomma would you please go out of this room? I've to talk to him about somethings."

"But Kook let him have a mea-

"Eomma please don't make me use any force.Pleasee"


The head alpha went after his mother and closed the door after his mother went of the room.He walked straight towards me and stood by my side.

"Can you stand?"

"No Alpha. But I ca-n tr-y"

"Fine keep sitting.First things first, I don't like you in any way.You're just here as a help."

"A help? If you don't like me then why did you mark me? Why did you send your fighters after me when I tried running away? Why did you use y mother as a bet to get me to come to you.Why?"

The omega flinched when a tight slap was thrown across his face.


"Im-m so-rry Alpha.I'll ne-ver ta-lk like th-at to y-ou."

"Good. You have only one work-take care of the kids. Okay?"

"Ok-ayy Alpha."

"And please stop crying.My wolf feels restless.Not me."

Jungkook's POV-

The son of a bitch wolf I have is pissing me off when I slapped his mate.He's growling at me constantly. This motherfucker is a true blood Alpha . And why the hell is the omega crying. It makes me- my wolf more restless. My wolf is constantly persuading me to hug the omega and keep making love to him.Ugggghhhhhhh!

Subconsciously I released my pheromones so that he can calm down.And voila I can see he has no more tears just sniffles! Fragile omegas. Reminds me of Haniie- and wait-

"Andd the Kids have their 3rd birthdays tomorrow.So wear something nice. I'll send someone to go with you to the mall and buy something nice to wear. And also take the kids with you so you guys can have some bonding time before the actuall celebration."

I walk away from the omega 'every second I spend next to me ;I lose a part of my sanity and its hard for me to not do something to him. I come down the stairs to see my babies eating dinner quitely.I hope they'll be happy with their gifts.

"Hi babies,are you guys done eating?"

"Yes appa. Hannie eat soon."

"Noo Junghee. Hannie eat slowly. Tomorrow is your birthday so you'll go to mall in the morning and buy whatever you like .Okaayy?"

"E-omma co-me?"

"Yes hannie. You'll meet your Eomma tomorrow."

"I wo-ve yo-uAp-pa" "I lwove you Appa" With the sentence my heart swells with pride that atleast someone will be happy.I'm sorry that this isn't the way we both wanted.

"Appa is Eomma pretty like Auntie Jin or like Hannie?"

"Your Eomma is wa tooo pretty."

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