You Set Me Free

209 14 1

Amirah's POV
It's been a great week.

Most productive week I've had in a while truthfully.

I was currently sitting at home in my living room eating some ice cream while watching re runs of Bad Girls Club.

It was a Thursday afternoon . There really wasn't much for me to do.

I heard the doorbell ring and I wondered who would be visiting at this hour.

It was just past 12.

I knew it wasn't my boyfriend he was an hour away in another state and wouldn't be back til tonight.

Wouldn't be Amber because she has keys and Dee would have called.

Placing my bowl of ice cream on the coffee table. I made my way to the door.

"Hey", Roddy's baby mother greeted me as I opened the door. She had the baby held on her hip as he was gurgling away.

I would have shut the door in her face if it wasn't for the baby.

"How may I help you?", I asked not bothering to hide my distaste.

"Look. I know we don't see eye to eye. It was very wrong of me to do what I did to you and your relationship.", she stated switching the baby to her other hip.

"I'm genuinely sorry for what I did. When I noticed how mad Roddy was at me. I realized I over stepped my boundaries. I'm not asking you for your forgiveness and I'm not asking you to be cordial. I just want you to know I'm sorry.", she stated.

"Look as much as I want to blame you for what happened I can't blame you alone. You weren't the only culprit in the situation. Roddy was tested and he yielded to temptation. That's what hurt me.", I stated as I opened the wound a little.

"Females will be females. Regardless. But the fact that he slipped up so easily made me angry. Especially given the industry he is in. In my mind I envisioned him doing it with any female that approached him.", I stated as I removed my hand from the door handle.

"What I was mad at you for though. Is the constant shade and jabs that you threw at me. I didn't appreciate it one bit. After the whole revelation of the baby. I was willing to be cordial with you but then that flew out the window when I realized the type time you were on.", I stated looking at the baby.

"I was jealous of you okay. And instead of acting like a mature adult. I let the words of my friends get to me. Truthfully, Roddy's relationship and mine has been done a long time ago. I guess we both used sex as means to avoid the issue. Where we both come from loyalty means a lot. I forgot that for minute.", she finished.

Having nothing else to say I nodded in understanding.

"How did you get my address by the way?", I asked.

"Oh.", she stated as if she forgot something. I watched as she rummaged in her bag pulling out an envelope.

Not trusting her. I held it away from my face as I opened it.

It read:
Amirah if you're seeing this it means my BM located you. I had given your address to security for case of emergencies as it relates to me or the baby. I should have told you. I'm Sorry.

"What's the emergency?", I asked worried as I looked at the baby discreetly.

"I need Junior to stay with you for a few hours. I have recently started my catering business and I got a last minute event. It pays good money but I can't take my baby and his father is not available.", she stated.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2020 ⏰

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