Chapter 2

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"Take care Hails, til next time." Marvin, one of my classmates, hugged me today at school.

"Thank you Marv. Take care you too." I smiled and took my bag.

"Why so hurry..." He messed my hair.

"Shush. I have no idea." I chuckled. "Alright my Mom's here. Bye bye."

"Bye." Marvin nodded at me.

I hopped into the car with Mom, as she slowly drove our car away from school. I don't know what on earth is going on but my principal asked me to leave in the middle of biology class. Turns out it was my Mom in his office signing some document for my transfer. Then Mom said she'll wait for me in the car. So yeah, pretty much I left school even before our first break. See? People like to surprise me. Or ruin my life.

"You're okay, sweetheart?" Mom tried to talk to me on our way home.

"I am. But why so soon?" I stared outside.

"The principal has no more reason to hold you. And I said to them we need to pack. Tomorrow, honey." She glanced.

"Wait what?" I choked. "By soon, you mean this fast?"

"My boss needs me to be there by Monday." Mom smiled. "But it's okay. We'll see. Let's try to find a good school first. No need to rush."

"Thank you." I hugged her. I felt like have been pushing her too much while she has whole work and responsibility.

We arrived at home and Mom soon prepared the lunch. I also packed our living room stuff. Time flew so fast. Mom and I ended up throw ourselves to the couch as well as staring at the entire house. Wow. Nobody ever said to me that we have a pretty big house.

"That's why I prefer a smaller house." Mom sighed.

"So do I..." I chuckled.

"Alright. Good night lovely. I'll wake you up at 7 tomorrow." She kissed my forehead.

"Good night Mommy." I ran upstairs.

Please, Lord, help me. I don't want to pack and unpack stuff for the rest of my life. Hopefully Orlando would be great. Hopefully Orlando will be my last. Yeah please stop it. Let me live my life again.

I pretty much passed out a second after I landed myself on bed, and woke up this morning even earlier than Mom. This morning, I cooked our breakfast. Thank goodness there isn't many stuff to do anymore this morning. The flight will be at 2 pm. We still have time before going to the airport.

"Hey my girl woke up so early." Mom pinched my cheek. "Oh hang on. Did you even sleep?"

"I of course slept. Like a baby." I laughed. "Let's eat Mommy."

Let's shorten the story of my life. I fast forward to here, in the waiting room. Mom read her novel, when I drowned myself into some Ed Sheeran's emotional songs. Dang it. Are we seriously going to Orlando? Can you see how confused I am? I wear this coat because New York's being all cloudy. But sometime later in the plane, I have to take this off and wear more summer-friendly outfit. Which I don't like it. Which means life's pretty difficult. Ha.

"That's our flight. Come, come!" Mom shook my hands because uhm I didn't hear the annoucement. Ed Sheeran's songs are that amazing.

Then here we are, been sitting on the plane for like 10 years now. It's too long. Very long. Have I told you that I hate silence because I would keep reminiscing? That's what I'm doing right now.

But finally after another 15 years, the flight attendant informed that we'll be landing shortly in the holy land Orlando. Fingers crossed.

"Welcome home." Mom giggled.

"Eh yeah I guess so." I smiled politely. No. Home is New York. New York is home.

"The handyman will be coming tomorrow morning. Let's have a night first in the hotel nearby our home." Mom spoke then called a taxi service from this airport.

Alright. Bear with me. I try to understand this hot summery weather in Orlando still with a coat in my hands, which makes people staring at me. This is seriously different, compared with New York.

"That's the beach." The polite cab driver kindly introduced us a thing or two about Orlando.

"Oh right." I murmured.

"You love it?" Mom took my hand.

"I think I am going to be." I raised my eyebrows. "This should be fun, right?"

"Hailey, I know you feel insecure about school, and this city, everything. But at some point, you're growing up. You'll make some friends. Like in few weeks you'll have your 16th birthday? Wow, remind me. This cutie pie turns into young lady." Mom kissed my forehead.

"I know." I nodded. "I'm old."

"Hahaha. You grumpy girl, have fun a little bit."

I chuckled to Mom and continued to stare outside. Those people with their tanks and pants, hats, everything looks so unfamiliar. Except oh, Starbucks.

"Hey Hails, come see this. It's gonna be our home." Mom pulled my hand to ask me to look at the window.

"Wow..." I saw this white house with sweet little front park. Looks fancy.

I was considering how my life would be in there, until my eyes met a guy profile. He stood in front of a house, still at the same block with mine, wearing his hat. I bet he was playing with his puppy. My heart's suddenly beating so fast. Is he an example of how some teenagers in this neighborhood look like? Oh dang.

"I promise you're gonna like the neighborhood. I've researched some houses and this is the best." Mom spoke like she could read my mind.

"Uh-hm." I smiled just to be polite.


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