Chapter 13

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So it all came to this.  The following morning when I tried so hard to get on my feet and shower, for today's school.  It's killing me.  These bruises have made it difficult to dress up.  I thought sleep would make it better.  But I woke up this morning to pain all over my body.

"Slowly, slowly..."  Mom helped me to walk to the kitchen.

"Thank you Mom."  I sit on the bar seat.

"Girl, you're not going to drive for now.  Give me your car key."  She gave a hand.

"Alright I know it."  I rolled my eyes, gave her my key.

"Good.  Why would you need car.  Toby's gonna pick you up anyway."  She giggled.

"Moom!  Oww..."  I scratched my mouth too wide, didn't realize I got a bruise on its corner.

"Hahaha.  You date him, huh?"  Mom winked.

"I...  Oh my gosh I don't know Mom."  I whispered.  "Maybe yeah."

"You don't have to be shy or confused about it.  So normal.  You're 16.  And I'm glad you're feeling Orlando better than before."  She stared at me.

"Hmm I'm still trying."  I ate my sandwich.

"I'm sorry for this baby.  Didn't ever expect that this could happen to you."  Mom stared at my bruises.

"Mom, stop blaming yourself.  Nobody expected this.  No one.  It's just one random day where I went to the toilet and this just happened."  I smiled at her.  Yeah Mom's been pushing herself too hard on this.

"I know...  I just wish it didn't happen."  She sighed.

"Alright alright let's just leave it behind.  I'm completely okay."  I hugged her.  "And I need to go now."

"Yes.  Oh hey it's Toby!"  

We heard his car parking on our carpark, so I immediately, trying so hard, to walk outside.  Oh no.  Don't ask.  We were texting til late night for the first time as dating couple, I woke up to his text too, and he picked me up for school.  Isn't it overwhelming, considering who I only was back then?

"Ready, babe?"  Toby held my hand to the passenger seat.

"Hmm."  I nodded.

"We're leaving Mom!"  He waved at Mom who's standing by the front door.

"Have fun kids!  And stay safe."  Mom pointed to Toby.

"Nothing's going to happen anymore."  He shook his head.

He drove the car slowly because I couldn't deal with speed bumps.  He's taking care of me really well.  I shall cry because of it.  Hah.  The thing is, I couldn't stop myself from saying how thankful I am for Toby's presence.  

"So..."  Toby parked the car.  We're at the school already.

"So, I'm scared."  I sighed.

"No need to, Hailey.  I'm always here.  Let's go.  Take it slowly."

Toby helped me to walk inside the class with every single one's eyes stared at me.  I know.  First, they must be surprised why I insist to make it to school today.  Second, Toby's hands are on me all the time.  It must be that weird.  

"Good...morning."  I nodded to Colton and the football team members.

"Good morning Hailey.  How you feeling?"  Colton immediately hugged me.

"Much better."  I smiled.  "And thank you so much for literally saving my life yesterday."

"No need to thank me, girl.  We got you."  Colton turned around to show me that the rest of team member tossed their hands in the air for me.

"We got your back, Hails."  One of them replied.

"Thank you guys so much."  I smiled genuinely.

"See, babe?  Everybody's on your side."  Toby kissed my cheek.  "Stay here for a second."

Toby left me on our chairs and made it to the front of the class.  He swept his sight to the entire room.  I think of some possibilities but fingers crossed he wouldn't do that.  But I bet, he will.

"Oh there you are."  Toby started talking, which I find out to Sean.

"Toby..."  Sean gave him her whispery voice.

"Mr. McDonough, just let me handle this."  A moment later, our principal came in.  "Sean Johnes, you're going to be expelled from school."

"WAIT WHAT?!"  Sean stood up and screamed her lungs out.

"Check your attitude, young lady.  Bullying is intollerant in this school, especially for physical attack.  I have made a phone call and your parents are on their way.  You better be ready.  Empty your locker, give one last check on everything, and meet me at the office."

I didn't realize I widened my eyes and couldn't cover my mouth.  This is too huge.  I couldn't stop being shocked.  It's too soon, isn't it?  She got expelled in one day.  I didn't know what Mom has told to my granita's lawyer, or this might be her stack of infringement that makes her expelled.  I don't understand.  I just got Toby's eyes on me as I shook my head, but he mouthed it's gonna be fine.

Sean stared at me, being all upset.  She gave me the glare but walked away from the class.  Colton sighed from beside me.  Some of my friends too.  I heard some of them whispering 'I'm relieved'.  So am I.  But I don't know if that's okay that she got expelled because of me.  I felt like a killer or something.

"Done."  Toby came to me and sit.  "You're safe now."

"Why so fast..."  I whispered.  "I mean, she wouldn't be able to come to another school because of her bad record."

"She should figure it out herself, I think.  Baby, look.  It's not our concern anymore.  She was punching you to death.  Gladly you're okay now.  So the rest of her drama, she better find some ways."

"I know...but..."

"Let's just live on.  This is the life that you deserve.  New York might be horrible too, but I'm here to make sure Orlando is far better."

"Thank you."  I shut my eyes.  "Thank you..."

I remained sit for the rest of the day.  Even Toby and his friends got me my lunch to the classroom.  I got one new girl friend, who's willing to accompany me to the toilet in case I need it.  Then Toby got it all.  He made a copy for our lessons, he counted me in every study group, everything.  I should be fine.  I better be.

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