Day 11

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I need to talk to Penny so bad, I don't know what to do right now. She's one friend that I know I can confide in without having to worry about her reaction. My mates on the football team, and the girls that hang out with them are a different story. I can't even pick up a phone to call her though, I guess I could just text her, but that's not the same. Then I get a brilliant idea.


Simon has been in the washroom for about 20 minutes now, the shower is on full blast, in hopes of muting his voice, but I can hear every word he says. I feel a bit bad listening to what he's saying, but I know I'm not going to ever use what I hear against him; so I continue to listen to him explain to whoever's on the other line his worries about his sexuality. I'm flattered by the way he's talking about me, and honestly a bit confused by how sure he is that he likes me, but how unsure he is wether or not that makes him queer.

I have to stifle my laughter when I hear him having to explain to his friend the logistics of us having sex. Straight people truly are a mystery to me.


"Hello?" I whisper into my phone when I hear Penny pick up.

"Simon?" She asks, like she's surprised to be hearing from me.

"Yeah hi"

"Simon! How are you?" She asks, obviously happy to be hearing from me.

"Yeah I'm good" I dismiss her questions, I don't have a ton of time, I can only let the water run for so long. "Well actually I'm in a bit of a situation, and I need your advice" I explaine, and I can almost see her nodding along with my words.

"Yeah, okay sure. What's up?" She asks gently (bless her).

"Well it's kind of a lot, so just be ready for that" now I'm the one wasting time. "And you can't tell anyone, okay?" I realize I should specify that before I say anything.

"Yeah okay, sure".

"Okay, well, Baz and I hooked up" I cringe as I hear the words out loud, and wait for a response.

"Okay...? And?" She does not sound phased by that at all.

"And?" I ask incredulously "And now I don't know what that means! Like how do I move on from this?" I explain, and am met with more thoughtful silence.

"Well, do you like him?" She asks carefully.

"Yeah" I mumble.

"And does he like you?" She asks, and I can already tell where she's going with this.

"I- I think so?" I'm not too confident in my answer if I'm being honest.

"Then I'd say you have a pretty obvious answer on what you should do" she tells me matter of factly.

"But what about my mates on the football team, or even just the rest of the assholes on campus?" I stress, and to my annoyance hear Penny chuckle on the other side.

"Weird getting a taste of the way you used to treat Baz, don't you think?" And that hits me. That's something I love about Penny, she truly is my friend, and does have my best interest in mind, but she wont hesitate to say it like it is.

"Shit I guess you're right" I mumble.

"Yeah, hey he's doing okay, and you really were an asshole to him" he tells me lightly.

"Yeah" I sigh rub my eyes trying to clear my head.

"Can I ask you a question?" She asks, and I nod my head then realize she can't see me through the phone.

"Uh yeah" I respond.

"What do you like about Baz?" She asks, and I feel my face redden.

"I don't know, he's just cool I guess" I shrug.

"Come on Simon, there's no way you're this worries about a guy that's 'cool you guess"' she scoffs.

"Fine, I mean he's really nice, but also really honest with me, and I feel like I can say what ever I want and be whoever I want to be with him" I mumble, embarrassed that I'm even saying this out loud.

"That's really nice Simon" I can hear the smile in her voice. "You should go talk to him" she urges me, and I know she's right.

"Yeah, okay. I will." I grin into the phone.

"Okay Simon, I'll talk to you soon"

"Okay, and Penny!" I rush before she hangs up.


"Thank you". I tell her honestly, I needed her.

"No problem"

"Okay, I'll call you later" I tell her and she wishes me good luck before we both say goodbye and I hang up.


I hurry to make myself look busy when I hear Simon hang up the phone, he doesn't need to know that I heard every word of that conversation. I'm expecting him to say something to me right away, but he silently walks over to his desk and starts working on something for class.

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