Chapter 6

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"Marinette what are you doing?" Tikki asked as she watch her heading to her closet.

Marinette jumped as she didn't notice Tikki watching her, "Oh nothing, I'm gonna do some cleaning."

"Then why does it sound like your hiding something? You know I don't read your diary," Tikki states as it was unlike her to be sneaking around her own home.

"Uh, I know but um, you know," Marinette stuttered.

"Wait....what are you hiding from me," she says as she then started  fly towards Marinette.

"Nothing!" Marinette waves her hands to block her.

"Nope you haven't let go to your closet since you put your...Marinette!" Tikki yells as she figure out what going on and phase through the closet behind Marinette.

"Tikki I can explain!" Marinette says as she opens the closet to see Tikki with her arms crossed.

"Marinette what is this?" She asked as she turn on the switch to reveal a alter to Adrien.

Marinette sighed, ashamed for being discovered, "I can explain..."

"That you were never over Adrien?" Tikki stated as she looks at how Marinette expression changed.

"I was really trying," Marinette argues as she looked at the pictures of Adrien. She sighed as she look at them, before she knew everything about him. But as she look at him now she doesn't reconginze him as she only see him at Chat Noir. His complete opposite, everything that Adrien is not. Everything she wasn't attracted to,the reasons she accuse him of being a jerk when they first met, "But I realize now it was a mistake."

"Marinette?" Tikki states in confusion and concern.

Marinette pull out a box to take down the alter of Adrien, "I fell in love with a fantasy Tikki."

"Mari what you mean?" Tikki asked.

"He isn't who I'd thought he be. We are better off as friends," Marinette says.

"Oh Marinette," Tikki expressed.

"Was it more than a dream? Adrien being perfect..." Marinette asked.

"Mari don't think like that," Tikki argues.

"It started on a stormy day, with a umbrella. I felt it was more than a story book romance," Marinette expressed, "But I never could utter a word to him without stutterimg."

She felt broken. She felt as she broke up with the love the love in her life but only in reality she broke up with a fanyasu. Tonight as her and Chat Noir kissed, she realize that.

It hurt her more than she ever thought. She always thought they would be one day together forever; she always dreamed of it. Now, her dreams were broken and all there is left is the pieces of shattered memories.

"Mari but what about tonight.?" Tikki referred to the kiss on the balcony.

"He isn't who I'd thought he be. Were teamates, we weren't supposed to know each other secret identities," Marinette says as she packed the box, "We broke that rule and I have to make it right."


Marinette smiled reassuring, "With the first step of moving on with my feelings. Me and Adrien are better as team mates and now I hope as friends."

"Are you really okay?" Tikki asked.

"Yeah," she smiled as she started to carry the box to head down, "I'll be back."

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