Chapter 20

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"Hey Alya, have you heard from Marinette?" Adrien asked.

"No, I called her parents, and she still doesn't remember who you or who I am," Alya responded sadly as they were walking to school.

"We have to remind her who she is," Adrien argues.

"Uh, Adrien..." Alya paused him as they approached the school.

"What?" Adrien asked as he notices her voice changed of worried tone.

"We can't, "Alya simply stated.

"We can't what?" Adrien asked in confusion as to what Alya was stating.

"According to her doctors, we can't force her memories." Alya admitted sadly, "She has to remember on her own."

Adrien realizes what she meant, "So we can't..."

Alya nodded her head.

"No, she can't forget me were in love," Adrien started to stutter at his words.

"She has to remember things on her own," Alya urged for him to understand, "It hurts me as much as it hurt you. But we must go along with whatever memories she has connected. I'm the new girl and you are..."

"The most hated person," Adrien sighed in agreement.

Alya nodded as they enter the school to go to their homeroom.

"Thanks for walking me to school Nino," Marinette thanked as they entered the classroom

"Yeah, no problem," Nino nodded as he sat in his normal seat in the front. Alya had sent him to walk her since she had no recognition of her friend.

Marinette gave him a weird look, "Didn't you sit in the back?"

"Uh, we got new seats," Nino slowly said.

Marinette rubbed her head as she recalled her spot, "Yeah, I guess."

"How are you doing?" Rose asked.

"I'm doing great," she smiled, "I'm feeling much better being out of the hospital. I just need to remember the rest of my memories."

She set her things down to look at the empty seat next to her. She then saw her memories of the new girl, "Alya..."

"Hi, Marinette," Adrien interrupted her thoughts as he was about to take his seat beside Nino.

"Oh, it's you. Hmph," Marinette comments as she looks away.

Adrien looks at Alya for an answer as all she could do was nod. Adrien sighed as he took his seat next to Nino.

"Hey, Marinette how are you doing?" Alya asked as she set her things down.

"Better just a lot of headaches Alya," Marinette chuckled.

"What was that?" Alya asked in shock that Marinette knew her name.

"I get a lot of headaches when I remember things, you're one of my friends right?" Marinette chuckled as she recalled some more memories.

"Wait so you remember me?" Alya asked.

Marinette rubbed her head painfully, "Lady blog reporter, comic fan, and dating Nino?"

"What else do you remember?" Alya asked hoping it would unlock memories.

"Not a lot," Marinette recalled her memories.

"We'll let get reacquainted," Alya smiled but look at Adrien with a sad expression.

"Maybe you should talk to her," Nino suggested as Adrien was looking at his desk.

"But what would I say?" Adrien asked, "I know we shouldn't force her memories, but she currently hates me I can't just talk to her."

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