Chapter 2

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The sky had cleared from the rain that had fallen so heavily some hours ago as the plane passed one of the other European countries. Everything seemed so perfect right for the girl that has just saved New York but failed to save Paris. She dreaded the 12 hours plane as she was trapped in the accopany of her own thoughts.

She had been denying and hiding those feelings deep inside her of her now liking Adrien which is now Chat Noir. She denied it to anyone who asked, even herself. She had wanted to forget about them, forget that she knew his secret so she could live her life, clueless with the reality.

Everything was already going downhill to try to see Adrien as just a friend. Now that she knows its her partner Chat Noir everything became more complicated.

She knew Adrien was oblivious when it came to girls, and knew how much he cared about their friendship. But as Chat Noir all he wanted was to practically marry her.

She was disappointed in herself as in New York she could not tell him her feelings. It was terrifying; the idea that he didn't feel the same and her confession would ruin their friendship. Now if she tells him, he would deny her because he likes Ladybug.

What's a girl to do though when she's fallen in love with her best friend in her hero and civilian form?

She didn't want to scare her best friend by saying that she didn't just love him, but was in love with him.

"Alya..." Marinette moaned she hit her head on the window.

"Girl I told you to tell him," Alya says as she watched Marinette in misery for not be able to stop Adrien from leaving.

Marinette stops hitting her head, "I just feel terrible for letting him leave like that."

"Well you can tell your FRIEND Adrien your apology now that were back home," Alya says.

"Right... friend," Marinette sighed as she looked out the window as Paris was coming into view as the plane lowered from the clouds.


"I'm very sorry that your trip didn't go well Adrien," Kagami says as she was on the phone talking to Adrien.

"Thank but at least I got to enjoy most of it," Adrien smiled as he recalled the party and him being able to be with his friends, "But I have duties here."

Kagami nodded, "So I'll see you in practice then?"

"Of course,"Adrien smiled, "Talk to you later then?"

"Goodbye Adrien," Kagami says as she hung up.

Adrien sighed as he finally finished unpacking. Ladybug's remote fell out of his suitcase. He goes down to pick it up, "I really messed up Plagg."

"Come on Kid," Plagg states as he sat on Adrien shoulder, "Put that in the past, Ladybug forgave you and your Chat Noir again."

"I know the city was left in ruins because of me," Adrien sighed as he looked at the ladybug pattern remote and thought about the ringing cat she had.

"Your Adrien Agreste! Can't you donate money," Plagg suggested.

"Your right!" Adrien smiled as he was going to do just that on his phone, "But I still disappointed Marinette."

"Oh did you now?" Plagg asked.

"I could of stayed, I owed it to her," Adrien sighed.

"Well she did went up to your father," Plagg yawned.

"She really is something," Adrien sighed as looked at the photo the class sent.

"Yeah, even seem like you were having a crush on her," Plagg suggested.

"Me crushing on Marinette?" Adrien asked, "Were just friends."

"Uh, huh," Plagg commented not to convinced.

"So you didn't rush and pratically fell on her to help her settle on the plane," Plagg started to list.

"I was only being polite she is my friend," Adrien argues.

"How about you annoily waking up to look at the sunset with her," Plagg states.

"I was thanking her," Adrien saying not so convince.

"How about you two dancing in the sky?"

"Uh, it was our song so I offered. It was a friendly dance," Adrien states as he shrugged not seeing the problem.

"OUR!" Plagg states as Adrien ignored him as he was on his  phone, "I'm done for the day kid."

Adrien phone started to beep as news report of a plane wing  in flames, "Breaking news a plane has lost control as a wing burst into flames. Will Chat Noir and Ladybug be able to save them?"

Adrien eyes widen as he recongnize the plane to be the one his class is on, "Let's go Plagg!"

"Shouldn't you call Ladybug first?" Plagg says as he did not want to cause Adrien to quit again as he got the ladybug remote.

"Of course," Adrien says reassuring as he clicked on the remote, "Plagg Claws out!"


The entire plane was screaming as the plane plummeted down.         Marinette had been finally been able to escape to the bathroom, "Let's save the city Tikki."

Soon Marinette felt a impact hitting the plane. Marinette was about to transform until she heard cheering. She looks out to see a commotion of everyone cheering in the plane. She looks to see Chat Noir angling the wing of the broken plane. She froze she watched him handling the situation. She watched him still in shock it was Adrien under the mask.

"Marinette..."Tikki whispers loud enough as she she held the stuff cat that Chat Noir activated for Marinette to snap into reality.

"Right! " Marinette shakes her head as she went back to the restroom, " Save the plane!"


Ladybug transformed into her astro suit as she flew out to help Chat Noir, "Ahh m'lady so how New York?"

"Uh," Ladybug started to stuttered as he smiled at her as she flied beside him, "Oh, you know, no place like home."

"So your back so soon?" Chat noir asked as they worked together to guide the plane to the landing strip, "I knew Bugaboo couldn't keep away from me for too long."

"Yelp," Ladybug  blushed as he said that, "Didn't you call for help?"

"Yes, to watch me in action of protecting the city," Chat Noir grinned widely.

Ladybug shook her head as she tried to act everything was normal, "Oh really Kitty."

Chat Noir gave her confused expression as she wasn't responding her usual self as the plane started to open the emergency slides, "Are you okay m'lady?"

"Yeah!" Ladybug says nervously as she stsrted to wave her arms, "Everything  is okay. Everything is normal. Why wouldn't it be?"

"Your acting weird," Chat Noir responded, "phew, that was a tough one for sure," Chat Noir began to remove his helmet, "You were amazing as always my lady."

"Uh thanks," Ladybug squealed as she didn't know how to act. Ladybug was realizing that she was blowing it. Then she looked at the students sliding down the slides of emergency plan and remembered that she was suppose to be a passenger, "Oh,I have to go."

"M'lady," Chat Noir calls her as he caught her hand, "Didn't you mention you wanted to talk back in New York?"

Ladybug wanted to stutter her answer as she knew it was Adrien under the mask. However, when looked at him at Chat Noir she was realizing that they were different egos, "Uh, Yeah. Um, but later I uh have to go."

Before he can respond she took her hand away and flew, "Was it something I said?" Chat Noir muttered.

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