Chapter 7

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WARNING: Contains sexual content


The ever-familiar opening to a Netflix original series echoed in Taehyung's living room. It was almost eleven in the evening and the night's taken an unexpected turn. Actually, the last two meetings have been highly unexpected. I thought everything was just about sex but I'm starting to get the feeling that he was just looking for some companionship. For the last two nights, we did nothing but talk. He didn't even make any move on me, something I thought he would be doing any minute. But now, here we were in his living room, watching Money Heist.

He had asked me what I was currently watching. That caught me off guard, so I said the first thing that popped into my head, Money Heist. I've never seen it before, mostly because we can't afford to pay for Netflix. But I have seen snippets of it from the other staffs' phone while they watched, and it looked okay. I couldn't watch for long, though, because I was too shy to join their group. I was never one to belong anywhere. At school, I was this old lady who was too smart to be let go. At work, I was this poor girl who was also too smart to be let go. I never really fit in anywhere. Even now, working as a staff, I was this new girl who just doesn't belong in the industry. Funnily enough, I don't feel that way around Taehyung. Maybe it's because it's just the two of us and it takes three to start a crowd, but even after that traumatic first night, it still feels right that I'd be sitting in his living room couch watching Money Heist, with him. He'd never seen the show before. I said it was okay, he suggested we watch, I agreed.

I have to admit, though, the show was intriguing. The Professor was smart, and cunning. And nothing attracted me more than an intelligent man. But even so, my mind wandered back to the man sitting beside me, staring blankly at his giant TV, his mouth slightly open. One would think that he wasn't watching, but I could see his pupils reading the subtitles.

Kim Taehyung was an eccentric man. He's got his own way of doing things. Like that shower thing. Hygienic yes, but this is the first time I've heard of that kind of reasoning. I've looked it up online, and although there are many fetishes out there, I've never heard of something that even resembles his. It's not even a fetish, more like an OCD. And then, there's his ever-changing attitude towards our arrangement. One moment, he's keen on making it work between us. Next, it was all about the sex. Now, he keeps on bringing up personal matters. One might say that he's up to something, but what?

"Oh, they're good actors," he said, almost to himself but you could just see the way he inclined his head towards me.

"Hm?" I asked, pretending to be engrossed in the show when I didn't understand half of what was going on.

"It's hard to portray those roles," he said, his voice low. "Well, at least, in my opinion, it's hard."

"What do you mean?"

Taehyung shifted in his seat, his eyes never leaving the screen. "For me, acting is like having a multiple personality disorder. You have a character to play, and it's your duty to make that character come to life. It's not just about memorizing lines and saying it out loud with emphasis. You have to be the character yourself, or else you're just reading a script."

He looked at me and grinned. "So, in order for you to play a villain, you have to be a villain."

Taehyung winked and I felt my throat run dry. "W-what do you mean?" I asked again. I understood complicated mathematical equations faster than I was processing his words now. Why was my brain not functioning?

"How should I put it?" he tilted his head back and pouted his lips, his brows furrowed as he thought. "Take that Professor guy. He's a smart, classy, soft-spoken man. He's not quick to anger, and his actions are well thought out. He's also a little timid and is clearly uncomfortable in certain situations. Compared to the other criminals around him, he's clearly the nerd who's going to get bullied. But he uses his brains to cower the others, to a certain extent."

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