Chapter 9

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WARNING: Contains sexual content


"Jimin-a!" I cried out loudly in the back of the van after answering my phone. "You son of a bitch, what the hell have you been up to? I miss you man!"

"Hey, Taehyungie," Jimin said over the phone. "Sorry about that. I've been... busy."

"Yeah, you have. You're all over the damn news with your 'girlfriend'. She the one keeping you busy?" I teased, knowing full well it was all just an act.

I heard him chuckle. "You could say that," he said. "How have you been? Are you still... you know?"

"Depressed? Hopeless? Suicidal?" I asked. "Some days are good; some days are bad. But most days are good now."

And they were. I still feel the crushing weight of it all sometimes, but whenever I see Lee Sujin, that weight would disappear. I still haven't gotten around to asking her what made her agree to be my personal escort, but it's got to be something heavy, right? And if she was still able to smile and pull through – which she was doing a lot lately – then, so can I.

"You're no longer going out there dressed like me?"

I could just see him raising an eyebrow. I chuckled. "No, I...," paused. "Stopped, in a way."

I know Jimin didn't believe me. Just like how I didn't believe that he was "busy with work". We've known each other for too long to take each other's words at face value. But we also know that when we want to, we'll tell the other the truth.

"Well, since you're having more good days, I'll take that to mean that you don't have to go out that often anymore. I'm happy for you."

"So, how's the girlfriend going?" I asked, unable to stop myself from teasing him. "What's her name now?"

"Han Erin," Jimin said, and I heard the soft lilt in his voice. I know that lilt all too well. It's how he speaks when he's talking about something he's passionate about. "She's very cooperative, you know? She's... willing to extend a helping hand."

"I'm glad things are working out for you. Although everybody thinks you're no longer single. A lot of the staff in my company are grieving because of that Yerin-ssi."

"Erin," Jimin corrected me. "But you know, it's not too bad."

"Hm? What do you mean?"

"Being with someone," he said. I heard some rustling in the background. "It opens up a whole new world to you. Or, you know, it's still the same world but you just see it a new light."

At that moment, I saw Sujin from outside, pushing luggage from one of the vans into the tent where I'll be changing. We were in the last day of shooting for the drama. I was just waiting for them to finish setting up when Jimin called.

"You still there?" Jimin asked.

"Oh, yeah, sorry," I answered. "Spaced out a bit. But yeah, I think I get what you mean."

"You do?" he asked, surprised.

"Yeah, kind of like seeing a friend with a new haircut. Still the same person but looks different. Looks refreshing. Maybe that's what I need too. A new haircut."

Jimin laughed, and I smiled myself.

"Ya, Taehyung-a, it's been way too long since we last met. We need to go out to have a drink again one of these nights. I can tell we have a lot to catch up to."

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