Chapter 4

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WARNING: Contains sexual content


Noona bustled around me, dabbing at my face with her small brush, evening out my skin tone. We were in a makeshift tent, getting ready for today's shoot. This time, it was a mystery drama. The female detective's husband was killed in a shootout and she's investigating her husband's death. Plot twist: husband was deeply involved in the criminal ring she was already working on and she believes that her husband was killed by them because he was married to her. I play the role of criminal ring's leader, the young prince of the criminal world, but I deny vehemently the accusations against us. To prove our innocence, we form an unlikely team to track down her husband's real murderer. Who happens to be her partner, by the way. He killed the husband because he was planning on killing her.

I've played many roles on camera, but this is the first time I'm portraying a badass mafia boss. I liked it. I think I look hot when I'm in character.

Normally, I memorize my lines when doing makeup. It's the one time of the day when I'm allowed to be at peace while at work since I have no choice but to sit down and let noona put makeup on me. Plus, the brushes are kind of relaxing. Like a mini face massage. However, today, I couldn't focus. I kept on spacing out, reading the same line again and again but not one word sticking to my head. Instead, I kept on thinking about last night. I kept on thinking about Lee Sujin.

I knew who she was the moment I saw her just before we left Seoul yesterday. And at first, I thought, that's her? She looked plain to me. Like the next girl you'd see out on the streets; you won't even remember you saw her. I had half the mind to complain to Mr. Cho about their choice. But then, I said to myself that some of the escorts I've had looked plain enough as well. It's the sex that counts anyway.

However, much was my surprise when she told me that she'd never slept with a man before. That got me excited. I've only ever been with escorts and they're all... experienced women. This would be the first time I've slept with someone who's never had sex before. The thought of being the first one in her sent thrills up my spine. And the feeling of being inside sends me into overdrive even until now. She was so tight. I was used to being able to just slip in easily into a girl but with Lee Sujin... the going was slow because it was hard for me to penetrate her. Like pushing my way into a hard gel that was fighting back. But once I was inside? Fuck, that was awesome. Her walls pressed around me, but the pressure just drove me on. When I came, it was like she was squeezing the cum out of me. I never had a more perfect orgasm. I was so spent afterwards, I had no energy left to get off her and had to catch my breath first.

But I felt bad for her. The first time I had sex, yeah, I was nervous I hardly stood out. But I wasn't nervous about the sex part. I was more nervous that I'd get caught. The sight of the naked lady and her pussy got me excited. Coming for the first time was very thrilling for me. So, yeah, the night when I lost my virginity will always be special for me. Sex was magical, that was the thought that popped into my head and it never left.

I wanted her to have the same realization. After all, we're going to be sleeping together regularly for the rest of the year. I didn't want her to think that sex with me was boring. I wanted her first time to be as magical as mine, for her to look forward to our next nights together. But I think I failed. All throughout the night, from the moment she first stepped into the room until the moment I left, I saw nothing but fear in her. She was a virgin, and she would have liked to keep it that way for longer. She wasn't excited about our nights together, she dreaded them. And there was no magic in it for her, only pain.

I thought she enjoyed it as much as I did. I thought that if it felt amazing for me, it must have been amazing for her too. I thought her moans and groans were signs that she liked what I was doing. That she wanted it too. But I was horribly wrong. Only after I finished, when I pulled out of her and saw the blood did the reality slapped me hard on the face. Her body might have been making the natural responses to me, but she didn't like any part of it one bit. She didn't even come at all. I hurt her. I turned the magic into a nightmare for her. I hurt her.

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