How I Feel About You | Tim Drake X Reader

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( This is when Y/n and Tim are in Young Justice. Y/n is the daughter Zatra and little sister of Zatana. Y/n is 4 year younger then Zatana so y/n is 15 years old)

                             (Y/n POV)
I'm walking around mount Justice, I see one of my best friends Megan. I smile and go over to her she is making dinner, I ask "Hey M'gann can I help? I'm really bored."
She looks at me and says "Sure that'll help me finish dinner faster." I make a salad while she makes the spaghetti sauce. I start humming and go to make homemade spaghetti.

                              (Robin POV)
I'm talking with Nightwing, I say "Just help me out please I want to ask a girl to be my girlfriend. I just don't know what to do, you know your a expert with girls."
He sighs and says "Alright, fine I'll help. Now tell me what do you like about her? So I can help."
I rub the back of my neck and say "Well her laugh, smile, she is beautiful and she sings like a angle."
He thinks for a minute and says "We what I would do is go up to her and tell her how you feel. But add some of the reasons why and when you started liking her."
I nod my head and say "Thanks I owe you one Nightwing."
With that I run trying to find Y/n, I couldn't find her until I hear singing in the kitchen.
I arrive in the kitchen to see Megan watching y/n sing, I smile she has such a angle like voice.

                          (Y/n POV)

I can lost in the song and don't reload me start singing 7 Years old by Lucas Graham.

After I finish the song I hear clapping I turn around to see Robin and M'gann clapping.
I blush from embarrassment, Because I secretly have a crush on the 3rd Robin.
M'gann says "Y/n that was awesome right Robin?"
Robin nods his head and smiles, I say "You heard me sing?"
They nod their heads, I'm embarrassed of my singing voice. I think my voice is bad but I love singing. M'gann knows that I hate my singing voice but I love singing to music. She keeps on trying to encourage me to sing more in front of people. I turn to Robin and say "Let me guess you came here for coffee?"
He rubs the back of his neck and says "Well yes but also I came here to ask you a question. Then I heard a beautiful voice singing and wanted to see who it was."
M'gann looks between me and Robin and says "Well Im gonna give you guys some privacy.
I got to go talk to Conner anyway,bye."
She telepathically says to me "Good luck I have a feeling he is gonna ask you something important and exciting."  M'gann leaves the kitchen, leaving me and Robin alone. He looks worried and scared, I say "Robin is something wrong? You know you can always talk to me. I'm one of your best friends after all."
He takes a deep and sighs and whispers "Here goes nothing."
He looks me in the eye and takes my hands in his hands. He says "Y/n when I first met you I thought you are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I never believed in love at first sight but when I first layed eyes on you I knew I fell in love with you. I love how you help everyone, how your selfless, care about other before yourself. Your smile, laugh and your voice is beautiful .What I'm trying to say is Y/n will you do me the honors of being my girlfriend."
I smile of happiness, I didn't notice that tears of joy are going doing my cheeks. Robin looks at me worried and wipes the tears away with his thumbs. He says "I understand if you don't like me back I just needed to tell you my true feelings."  I shake my head and say "Robin I would love to be your girlfriend. I've had a crush on you since I met you as well."
I hug him and he hugs me back, Robins whispers in my ear "I love you Y/n."
I smile and say " I love you too Robin."
We let go of the hug and Robin kisses me, after a few moment we pull away from each other.
He smiles and says "Lets go on a date how about Saturday @ 7:30pm?"
I nod my head and he gives me a goodbye kiss on the cheek and leaves probably to work on a mission report. I smile, I can't believe he likes me too and he asked me to be his girlfriend.

                        (Nightwing POV )
I knew he has a crush on Y/n it's obvious. I also know that y/n has a crush on Robin. They finally got together me and M'gann have been shipping them for along time now. I'm happy that they are finally together, she brings out the best of Robin. I'm proud of him for getting the courage to ask her out.

————————Author Note ——————
I've been wanting to do one shots for batfam. I hope you guys liked this chapter.
Next chapter will be released in a few days or later today.
Word count: 892

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