Chapter 20: Recieving The Powers

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They want to talk to me again?! I thought.  

"They already did." I told him, hoping that's the right reply.  

"They have?" he said, looking up, then down at his watch. "Right. You better leave." 

Excited, I darted out the door, holding the notebook. I looked around, and noticed my friends sitting on a nearby park bench, some sitting on the grass. Joe looked over his shoulder and spotted me, happy and tip toeing every two seconds. I ran to them and with my brain hurrying me, I said, 

"LOOK WHAT OLIVIA-the lady officer- GAVE ME!" 

"What?" Clarissa asked. I showed them the notebook. Everyone gasped.  

"Let's open it!!!" Julia shouted.  

"YEAH!" Anna replied. "Then we'll have to visit Richard and Alex." 

"Yeah," I replied, as I slowly lifted the cover.  

"WHAT THE HECK?!" I yelled.  

"WHAT? WHAT?" everyone asked. I pointed to the first page. "POWERS," it was headed.  

"Powers?" Clarissa was confused. We all were.  

"No-no, I mean, look at the list." I rushed.  

Joe speed-read it and shouted, "Whoever wrote this lied. No one's gonna be able to have X-Ray vision. Pffft." 

"I'm not sure. It says 'From December 6th and on' on the top." I said.  

It was a list of the names from our class. Next to each name was a supernatural power that, I'm sure, no one would have. I looked at mine. "Able to make things disappear and appear" I felt blood rush through me. I had a glowing feeling. I felt like I was light, like a feather. I felt soft and ... I couldn't describe the feeling. Then I realized today was December 6th.  

"Guys! Today, TODAY is December 6th!!!" I yelled. 

Each person got a turn to look at their power.  

Joe gasped, "able to show my thoughts?!" then he glowed. He floated a bit, then dropped to the ground. Everyone gasped.  

"E-everyone, r-read your powers, n-now!" I shouted. 

Anna gulped, "Able to solve puzzles and different languages with ease." The same thing happened. She glowed and got lifted up.  

"Able to control time," Clarissa whispered. She glowed and lifted up a bit.  

"Able to make things float and move from afar," Cyrus said, sighed, and he glowed.  

"Able to see the future," Julia yelled, and the process worked on her.  

"Able to change appearance and see in others' eyes," Frannie gulped.  

"Woaaahhhh," I wowed, seeing everyone glow.  

"Do you think this is the time when... we receive our powers?" Cyrus added.  

"YES! This is it. Once we say our powers, we receive them!" I shouted. 

"So... we need to get everyone to say theirs." Julia replied.

Moments later...

"ALEEEXXX!" we all shouted.  

"Can you read what this says?-Next to your name," Julia said, holding the book in front of him, "Will, you too." Will was there too. It was about 3:00AM.  

"Can I go first?" said Will.  

"Sure." Julia returned. 

"Able to camouflage themself," he read, and handed the book to Alex.  

"Why?" asked Alex.  

"Just-read it, and don't ask anymore questions," Clarissa said, and yawned, "I really need some sleep.  

Cyrus stretched, "Me too..." 

"You guys can go home. It's pretty late." I said.  

"Kay, see ya," they both said. We stared at them as they left.  

"Able to remember everything seen or heard. Whoop!" Alex read.  

Alex and Will both screamed when they saw themselves glowing, and floating. A nurse walked in at the wrong time.  

"AHHHHHH! THEY-THEY'RE G-GLOWING!!!!!!" a nurse screamed, running outside immediately.  


"Okay!" she shouted, and darted out the door.  

"Coooool!" Alex shot me a thumbs-up.  

"Woahhh!" Will laughed.  

"Haha, Alex, browse this magazine article!" I said, handing him a magazine, "You should practice." 

He looked through the magazine page, reading it, and closed it.  

"I feel something." He said. "It's coming to me," he squinted, and I asked him,  

"In the picture on the top left, what was the boy holding?" 

"A flowerpot!" 

"IT WORKS!!!" we all cheered.  

"Will! Try camouflaging!" Alex told him.  

Rubbing his hands together, he stood against the floral wallpaper. He stayed there for a few seconds, and his arms grew floral shapes. His face did too. In a snap, we could barely see him! 

"WHOO-HOO!" Will shouted. Frannie returned, clapping. 

"Yeeah!" she cheered.  

"Yeah!" I cheered, "Joe, try showing your thoughts." 

"Ummm," he scratched his head, "I'm thinking of my mom, my dad, and my sister, walking-" 

"Joe, you THINK, not tell us what you're thinking." 

"Oh. Kay," he looked up, and a cloud of gas floated above his head. There was a picture of a girl, picking flowers from a garden, he looked up and saw his thoughts.  

"HOLY COW!" he yelled.  

We all Oohed and Ahhed.  

"Frannie, what did you tell her?" I turned to Frannie and asked.

"Ummm, I, uhh, erm... " she muttered. She whispered a swear word under her breath, "I t-told her.."

"What did you tell her?" Julia, too, asked.

"I told her," she gulped, "that we're supernatural."

"WHHAAAT?!" everyone yelled, "WHYYY?"

"I had to say something."

"Whatever... we'll figure this out later," Joe said. I shrugged and continued.


Julia smiled and looked at Alex.  

She concentrated, then suddenly looked up and shouted, "A-Alex, you're gonna get better tomorrow! At 12am there will be results! You'll heal, and we are going to take you home!" 

"Haha!" Alex clapped, "WHOO!" 

"Frannie, your turn," I said, looking at Frannie.  

"YES!" she shouted, punching the air, then she concentrated on me.  

"Oh, so you're gonna turn into me? Hah." I laughed.  

In a snap, her blonde hair turned black, glasses appeared on her face, and she wore my clothes. My jaw dropped.  

"WOAH! FRANNIE! YOU'RE-" I paused and studied her, "ME!" 

"Yup!" she grinned. I gave her a thumbs-up.  

"Now Anna." I looked at Anna. She wasn't there. I looked at the couch, finding her laying on the couch, sleeping, "Never mind then" We all laughed.

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