~Chapter Thirty-Five~

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  • Dedicated to All of You <3

A/N: Short author's note, 'cause I want to post this! :-D

So, basically...enjoy! Oh, and you, my friends, have the opportunity to help finish this novel! Just leave your questions that you want answered in the wrap-up in the comments, and I'll be sure to include them. ;-) Love you all!

Dedicated to all of you...the people who have brought me here. <3


~Chapter Thirty-Five~

Meaghan sat facing her twin, a determined, dangerous smirk gracing her lips, her irises appearing nearly black in the dim lighting. Her pale skin glowed, exuding a faintly gray outline; no ordinary human would be able to perceive her visage in their dulled states. The brick wall of the alleyway dug into her shoulder blades, but she no longer cared. All that mattered was her success—their success—and the unadulterated pride coloring Ari’s expression. Even Hayley and Jenna, seated on either side of the twins, had various levels of satisfaction illustrating their pale features. Meaghan suppressed a happy little smile, instead forcing her lips to remain in an insignificantly sardonic curl: she would have her smiling triumph tomorrow.

            “I must admit, I didn’t know that would work, Alex…but it did,” Ari began with a slight, malignant grin.

            “Well, you have to count the fact that he’s mortal,” Jenna interjected bitterly, sending a glare at Meaghan. If they had been alone, she would have been flinging impressed insults through their telepathic connection, but, in front of their Monarch, she had no choice but to simply dock a few of Meaghan’s points. The girl in question scowled, narrowing her eyes at her second; Hayley cringed beside her, sensing a later showdown. “They are pretty weak in the heart.”

            “Impressive, nonetheless,” Ari concluded, nonchalantly dismissing Jenna’s scorn. Instead, he winked at his twin: slow, evil, gleeful cheer in his brown eyes, sparkle identical to Meaghan’s despite their red tinges. Meaghan gulped, feeling her smirk grow subconsciously on her mouth. She knew what was to happen next.

            Ari’s order: “Get him there. Tomorrow. The Holy Day.” All four shuddered at the dreaded words, though Meaghan felt a tingling of longing rush through her system.

            “Of course,” she agreed, whipping a few strands of hair from her face as she pulled out her cell phone.

            Hey, Rivvie. Wanna go hiking 2morrow? ;-) Luv u! –Megs

            Sure. :-), was the quick reply.

            All four smiled; no guilt, no shame.


I couldn’t sleep that night.

            Images haunted  me, flying past my sightline at an alarming speed, the same but different. It began as all of my nightmares had begun: with the forest. Nothing had shifted in the foreboding, dark foliage. The Midwestern jungle still hung pensive, full, and malicious in the night’s black; my eyes could still see nothing, nor could I hear anything from the trees. It was only when I attempted to move: the shadows swirled around my ankles, tightening until they touched bone, yet no pain infiltrated my system. It was simply the helpless fear, the fact that my vocal cords could no longer produce sound for an unknown reason. When the light appeared at the end of the forest’s tunnel, it only added to my terror: the golden orb urged me on, pointing me in the direction of the bright flower in the midst of the darkness. The light shimmered, reassuring and warm…yet I couldn’t move. I couldn’t fight my way to it, could only stay stationary, my hands shaking with panic.

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