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💙"Mirah narrations"💙

That's a cool way to come back from being in a life threatening accident.

Not only did he survive but bam got himself a girl;

...and its me! PERIOD.

And now all we do is wait... I know they boutta start popping off in a minute. Give it time yall....

💙"Mirah P.O.V"💙

Suddenly I hear a "She said yesssss!" From Mike's high pitched voice.

"I knew yall liked each other! Jay yells.

"Yeah, yall cant keep secrets from us! Kam blurts under her breath, looking at me.

To be honest, I couldn't believe it either. I really just made my dream come true, and all I had to do was say yes! Damn did life feel good right now!

"Aight now that yall an official couple, mirah go hold hands wit bam". My momma says pulling out Mike's camera.

(And I didnt care. Record, live, do whatever. I was to happy to let anything ruin this moment...)

I began stretching out my hand to bam's. His hand open to grab mine.

We then clench eachothers hand palm to palm, as the boys and my mom and sis cheer. Bam and I both began blushing as we watched erryone jump around.

"Why yall so happy? I hear. A females voice say withe attitude in the distance.

We all get silent and turn around.

Macei was standing there in the doorway with her arms crossed and a smug look on her face.

"Wass up macei? Jay and tori ask.
"I just wanted to see how bam was and to talk to mirah." She responded.

"Wait how you knew we was here? I asked. Macei then begins walking more into the room. "Oh Kam texted me about the incident." She says.

(It suddenly feels awkward in the room. I could feel the high pressure that everyone was feelin.
We wasn't expecting company, but at least my beffrien here to see wassup.)

"So yall gon tell me how he is? She asks going up to bam's opposite bedside. We immediately unlock hands. "I'm good. Bam says,. watching her

"Oh why yall holding hands? No dis, it's just cute! She says. I suddenly feel some sus energy come from her. I wasnt aboutta question it now though, because she just got here and bam seen enough.

"Yeah they dating now! Dede blurts. Uncle mike slaps the back a dede neck. "Owwww: he hollers but mike covers his mouth to shut him up.

"Hey yall ont gotta start all day hitting and stuff now. I just asked a question.... anyway yall a thing now? Macei asks leaning in to give bam a hug. Bam reaches out to give her a hug back and they do.

(To me it was kinda sus that macei would go to give bam a hug first because like, she always gave my mom one first then mike and then him... so...)

"So befo I give anyone else a hug, I just wanna talk to mirah. And no it wont be in private. Macei announced.

What was this girl talking about? I was lowkey nervous of what she was gonna do. She just showed up and now she makin it seem like she got beef.

"Aight talk. Mike and my momma say at the same time. Macei gives them a devilish look the goes back to normal.

Uh uh what the fuck this girl got up her sleeve. She not as cheery as she usually would be and certainly not acting as nice.

"I know what happened to bam was a tragedy but at least he aight right? She began saying.

"Your point is? I question. She really boutta make my attitude come outta me and Iont want that to ruin our friendship. But... she just giving off the nerves of a bitch right now.

"My point is... why did you think you had the right to beat up and hospitalize my cousin? Macei looks directly into my soul when she asks this.

My eyebrows went down and a confused look showed up on my face. The boys step back and get silent.

"Who was yo cousin? I ask, stepping away from bam. " you have multiple and besides I like yo cousins we cool. Why would I hospitalize one?

She chuckles. "My cousin audrey bitch.

Ohhh I know she didn't.

"Who's audrey? Iont remember you having a cousin named audrey." I say getting closer.

"That's cause you never met her. She dont like you." Macei blurts.

"Thats fair, but why?" I ask, placing my hand down on the edge of the bed.

"Because that's bam's ex. Once I told her about you then she didnt want to meet you. I wanted yall to meet, but then I mentioned that you liked bam and she instantly didnt like you." She responded.

💙"Mirah narrations"💙

Now the puzzle is kinda coming together but all I need is the final 2 pieces.

How would I get the truth to come out of her? Macei is my bestfriend but if she dont stop bitching about her cousin of hers, stuff boutta go down.

💙"Mirah P.O.V"💙

"So the bitch who I "hospitalized was your cousin? I asked ready to fight.

"Yes. And stop calling her that." She says.

(Look it's fine for someone not to like me, stupid stuff or not, but dont do shit that affects me or the ones I love without knowing me.)

"I can call her what I want! I start yelling. Look what that gorilla did to bam!!

"I said stop! Macei hollered then runs up to me. Poor bam has to experience another fight. And still he kept quiet...

Anyway like I said, macei runs up to me. I stick my fist out and she runs stomach first into it. I almost felt that myself.

"She stumbled back holding her stomach. "BITCH! She yells and runs back for round 2. She has her fist out ready for swinging but I dodge 3 of the hits and on the 4th one, get knocked upside the nose.

"That's what you get! She yells at me and my fist balls up again. I sprint her with rage and give her a clean uppercut.

She then goes down.

The boys and my mom and kam look at me in sheer horror. I felt the stare again.

What have I done?...

I know what i did...

i bodied another person; and this time it was my bestfriend.

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