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💙"Mirah narrations"💙

No one could move.

No one could make eye contact.

No one could believe it.

Yes I did sum dumb, but this ain't the first time.

They know I've never lost a fight. And it dont matter WHO it is....

Unless it's my momma, I dare you to talk about me or someone I care about. What happened to macei and her cousin is the same thing that could happen to you so be careful....😉

💙"Mirah P.O.V"💙

"Mirah! You need to control yo anger! Dede shouted at me. Other than him, he was the only person able to speak. The others just looked back and forth between me and macei, giving the shock look.

"First of all, all yall can stop staring at me, and second, she started it! I argue back.

"Well at least we know the truth." Bam butts in, rubbing his head.

"Yeah but it shouldn't have ended like that." Mike says, walking over to macei.

"Hey, at least we in a hospital." My sister blurts out.

"Yeah, but now we need to call for a nurse mane! Mike shouts. "like forreal, yo temper needs to be tamed down befo somebody end up dead.

"And not only that, but the nurse is gonna ask what happened and this could possibly lead you to sum bad trouble." My momma instigates. She was the last to talk.

All this conversation shut me down. The guilt from them talking to me about my anger weighs into my head.

But in the end, I know they right. It shouldn't have ended with me hurting my bestfriend, but I caint help it if I'm protecting yall...

"So now what do we do? My momma asks. "She is just lying there and we dont know if she'll wake up any time soon, before the doctors gotta check on bam again."

"We'll just say she passed out. She a hot head anyway." Bam interrupts.

It takes me as second to think on it, but it might just work. "Good idea! I say, walking over to bam's bedside. "We'll use the emergency help button and get a nurse in here so they could take her away, and then we can get tf outta here so we don't look sus."

"Okay. But what about me? Bam interrupts. (Crap I forgot about him, but I play it off like nun)

"I ain't forget about you mane. I say getting closer to him. "You comin wit us!

His eyes widen and his jaw dropped. "Woah! I caint do that. I gotta recover!" Bam says.

"We'll take care of you at the house. Shii, you can even take a break from YouTube if you want! I say, tryna convince him to come.

"But my head." He begins to say; But tori cut him off. "Look mane, if we leave you here, we gonna have to come back to visit you. But the thing is your girl just bodied her bestfriend, and if her mom finds out that mirah was the cause for this, they gonna restrict all us from coming back, ya heard?"

Now that I think about it, we all understood what he meant.

That's true. Iont wanna not be able to see bam, especially with everything that happened, but at the same time, its technically his choice.

"Aight Iont think yall thought this through...." bam says concerned. "1 how yall gonna sneak me out, 2 what if sum happens to me after we get home if I do manage to escape with yall?

"Frick its always something! I yell. "You know what, let's just see what happens from here. Bam, press the emergency button and erryone else look scared."

Bam looks lost as heck when I give the command. He then reaches for the button and presses it. Now we wait.

(Also btw, I'm not a controlling person, but in this situation you gotta do and say what you gotta do and say. By the looks of the people in this room, all I can say in clueless.)

Not even 4 minutes later a female nurse burst into the room. "What happened in here!? She asks. She seems to be panicked.

"My bestfriend just passed out on the floor! I say, seeming worried. When in reality, I didn't give a damn.

"Oh well lemme check her pulse- still alive. She says.

"Okay lemme go get a stretcher and another doctor. You guys stay here with her! The nurse said, running out.

"Quick we gotta go now or never! I yell whisper. "Bam you up or nah?

Bam gives me a look of pain and doubt but I knew he wanted to do this. I could see in his eyes that he didnt want part in any more drama.
"Yes! Bam shouts.

"Okay we have to move NOW! I say, taking the fluid tubes out of bams arm. Yeah he was still in some pain, but he told me he was gonna be aight.

All we knew was the stress was on. "2 of yall come help me with him! I shout at everyone. Jay and dede stepped up. "Yall carry him, and I'll get his stuff."

We panicked and hurried out of the room with bam in our custody. He was still hurting, and couldn't walk properly so we had to do this by hand...

We make it 7 steps out of the room when of course the nurse comes out of nowhere with the stretcher and the other doctor.

"Go!! My momma shouts. I forgot it was hard for her to run. "I'll catch up!

"Okay we'll wait for you outside! Mike shouts back to her.

With the stuff in hand, I look back one more time to see my mom. She was struggling but she knew how to get away, no matter how bad the circumstance.

💙"Mirah narrations"💙

Anyway, long story short we make it out the hospital with bam safe and my mom still trailing slowly behind. It was now dark out and not visible to see anything clearly, but we knew how to get around.

We actually pulled it off, and I was proud (but not proud) of it. I got away with beating people up and my new boyfriend was safe and alive.

And speaking of him, Bam was sitting nexting next to me in the car, in the middle row, with his head on my lap.

He seemed aight for the time being.

And dont roast me mane. I know what we did was wrong, but unless you've beat up 2 people in one day, and now you gotta be cautious of where you go and who you around, there was no other options I could think of.

It was every girl fo themselves. I had choices to make too....

But other than we did it.
We survived another stressful day in the funny Mike world.

Now, it time to go back to the house. I'm tired.

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