Chapter 18

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" Fine you want to know what happened?!" She says angrily.

 " Whoa, slow your role, you don't have to be so aggressive, yeesh," Jack says.

 " OK, fine, I used you all," Melissa smiles.

 "..... Ouch that hurt," Daniel says breaking the silence.

 " What?" I say emotionally.

 " Yep, I did. People are paying me to get your address," she says carelessly.

 " What?!" Zach screams in shock.

 " I thought we were helping you?" I say.

 " You were, I got a thousand dollars in my bank account right now."

 We were all getting angry, I felt it.

 " Why would you do that?! After all that we did for you?" I cry out.

 " Awwe, don't get sad," Melissa mocks with a pout.

 I felt used, I felt intruded, I felt like my privacy was being taken away, my whole happiness was being sold.

 " Don't!" Daniel points at her angrily.

 He knew I was an emotional guy, especially when we were being used.

 " You can just fix it yourself," Melissa wipes it off.

 " Fix what?! We might have to move because of you!" I scream.

 Yes, I'm generally a kind, sweet, and generous guys, but I wanted to slap her right now.

 " And you feel good about using us for money?" Daniel asks.

 The guys were all kind of watching us awkwardly.

 " I mean sure, why not?" she shrugs.

 " Ugh," Jack says in disgust.

 " You really want to spend your last month stealing from others?" Jonah asks.

 Melissa smiles, " Of course not! I have many more than a month."

 " What do you mean?" I say holding back tears.

  We all looked at one another to see facial expressions.

 The guys all had their fists clenched.

 Daniel was standing right by me with a hand on my shoulder.

 While I stood, staring at Melissa with sad eyes.

 " I don't have cancer, I lied to you all," Melissa blurts.

 I just wanted to say, cancer is a serious thing, and I'm not playing around with it in this story. I hope I don't offend anybody by someway with this. If you have cancer, you are valid and strong. Never think that you are any different. God has you!❤️

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