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"(y/n)? that's such a pretty name!" yashiro replied. "thank you." i bow. "hey, another question." hanako-kun asked. "yes, honorable number 7?"  "why do you wear a eye-patch?" "hanako-kun! that's rude! it's like asking why do you bring your hakujoudai's around everywhere?" yashiro protested, while punching Hanako kun. "ow- yashiro-." he said, falling onto the ground. "they.. are.. important." he said they probably referring to his orbs.

i giggled but then quickly covered my mouth. "i'm sorry! here, let me help you up." "no, no, it's fine—." i cut hanako-kun off by swinging my arm out making the wind, and cherry blossoms with it, picking him up. "wha— huh??" "that power is so cool!" yashiro yelled. "ah, thank you." i replied, giving her a smile. "i gotta get back to class guys!" yashiro said, waving at us and leaving me and hanako-kun alone. "how can yashiro see us?" i ask, breaking the silence.

"she summoned me a few months ago, after that we got into a bond, she can touch me basically." "so, do you love her?" i teased, with a confident wide smile. "wait what? Why ask that??" a flustered look formed on his face as he rubbed his neck, "we ar— we are just good friends." "hm, anyways how did you die?" i ask as i sit on the cold hard floor. "let's not talk about me, let's talk about you since your new." he responded, avoiding my question. "i died back in 1969, i was 13-14 at the time." i said, putting my finger into my bottom lip. "so.. you're pretty chronically old?" he spoke, getting onto the floor, too.

"i— NO. ghost don't age!" i yelled, trying to hard my flustered look. "hanako-kun— ah! honorable number 7– since you won't tell me the reason why you died, can you at least tell me the year? i remember your uniform from a looooong time ago and it kinda explains a lot but still, tell me!" i beg. "1969, too." he chuckled. "when I heard your answer it i was surprised. also, just call me "hanako-kun" instead of honorable number 7." he smiles. in place of reply, i smiled as well.

"how did you die, yuki-san?" he look at me in my (e/c) eyes, with that same expression he gives yashiro, is this expression only for us two? or does she share it with more. but then again, why do i care!? i deeply sigh as i was about to reveal my death, "i believe i drowned." i say, while i rest my head on my hand. "i'm sorry—." he tried to reach out his hands to me but i just got up and walked a bit farther from him. "it's fine! not like you caused it." i tease, scratching my neck, reaching to touch my yorishiro. "anyways, people are trying to summon you so you better be going—"

"nobody has tried to—" "okay nice talk!  bye bye!" i cut him off by controlling the air to make him leave.


"i wonder why i was chosen to be a mystery," "i can help~" another unknown voice cooed. i turned around to see hanako-kun again but in a different outfit. "hanako-kun? i thought i made you leave?" i tilt my head to the side as the boy walked forward. "i see, you met my brother, right, yuki-san?" "brother? hanako-kun has never mentioned a brother." i said, covering my mouth and my face a bit. "he never does. my name is tsukasa. i grant wishes for the dead." he confidently spoke.

"why is there so many people with wish powers here?" "come with me," tsukasa said as his eyes emptied, he grabbed my hand aggressively and continued to walk as he dragged me. "i'll have you know that i'm the strongest wonder," i say, hoping he'd have some sort of scared reaction. but nope, he just looked at me with a sadistic smile. i try to pull back my arm however this guy's grip was tight! "what are you going to do?" i ask, still trying to get my arm back. "we are going to the broadcasting room." he replied. "can you let go?" i ask.

"you're hurting me." i said. i manage to kick his right leg, causing him to fall and loosen the grip. i got out of his sight or at least tried. the boy had the same orbs as hanako-kun except they were black. they went in front of me and put black smoke all around so i couldn't see. then, again, tsukasa grabbed me and carried me in his arms, bridal style. "i give up. just don't hurt me." i give him a dirty look. "i won't, sakura said to be easy with girls then the boys."

"yeah, well, you weren't exactly easy." he lets me out of his arms and we just walk to the place, it was awkward and silent going there but it's better than being in his arms.


"i brought her!" tsukasa shouted. "did you be gentle?" a green short-haired girl asked. "yep!" tsukasa replied, holding my hands tight with me on the floor. "that's not gentle. i'm sorry, yuki-san, i told him to be nice" the girl replied.

"w-who are you!?" i say, finally able to speak. "i am sakura nanamine, third year highschool division. pleasure to meet you" "yeah.. nice to meet you, too. but who's that," i said, pointing to a guy in the corner. "that's natsuhiko hyuuga, i usually pretend he isn't here" sakura replied.

"yo!" he shouted over to us, with a wink and cat-like smirk. "are you two perhaps dating?" i asked her. "no— we are not—" "my lady, please go on a date with me." he asked.








this was going on for a couple of minutes until tsukasa yelled, "sakura~" and after he giggled like a child watching a show.

"yeah.. heh heh," i fake my chuckle. "why did you want me here" I ask, now sitting on the floor. "sakura told me to get you, it was her idea to create yuki-san, y'know." tsukasa said, bending over to my height. "she said my rumor?"  "yep!" tsukasa replied.

"thank you, nanamine-senpai." i smile. she smiled in a reply, she handed me a cup of tea and and guided me to a table with lots of snacks such as cookies, cake, and chocolate!

"how did you meet tsukasa?" "it was complicated. we are in a bond contract. i am his assistant. i do whatever he says." she replied, sipping her tea. "can anyone bond to a wonder?"

"yeah! like how amane has a bond with that fish girl!" tsukasa yelled, with a big smile on his face. "amane.. that name sounds so familiar.. wait—" then a memory popped up.

"i'm amane yugi, do you want to be friends?" a child's voice fainted. it sounded like hanako-kun's and looked like him.

"friends.. with me? uh, sure! i'm (y/n) (l/n), heh heh." my voice replied. it sounded happy and excited.

"he's my brother! also known as "hanako-san of the toilet," i seen him not to long ago."

"amane!? so that means you're actually tsukasa.. like hanako's younger twin brother, tsukasa."

he smiled and said, "yes, (y/n), it took you long enough but you remembered. hanako is amane!"

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