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"wait, what was the girl wearing again?" "(clothes)." (y/n) dropped to her knees, her eyes emptied. "(y/n)!" amane and yashiro yelled. amane go up and ran towards the two girls. he instantly dropped to his knees as well and hugged her. she sighed right when she felt his arms. "are you okay, yu-chan?" "uh, eh, i could be fine or not." "what?" asked yashiro. "i'm fine, nene-chan, i was just playing around. yashiro held her hand out to the girl who was gripping onto amane. (y/n) sighed and grabbed yashiro's hand. she also helped amane since he was also on the ground.

"hey, amane, what's that on your face?" asked yashiro. (y/n) grew curious and looked at him as well. yashiro then handed him a pocket mirror. he opened it to reveal himself with a mustache. "AHHH!?" he screamed. he quickly wiped it off using his hand. (y/n) noticed something in the air. she pointed which made everyone face their attention to it. "it's a paintbrush? and it's floating?" "who are you!?" yashiro shouted. the paint brush flew its way to the climbing rock. it was drawing...words? "i am on your side." it wrote. "i will tell you how to escape."

"how...to escape?" yashiro repeated. "what is this!?" "you do know this world is fake, right?" it continued. "yes.." i am nene yashiro, i will not be easily fooled by a paintbrush! but we gotta find a way out, BUT we also gotta be careful because this place is a trap!' "oh? what are you kids doing at this hour?" a strange man who turned into shijima like everyone else. but only yashiro was able to see that. "AHHHHHH, SHE'S BACK!" yashiro grabbed the two and ran.


the paintbrush defeated Shijima? "do you trust me now?" it wrote. "what a nice paintbrush! i am nene yashiro! a woman who believes in trust before suspicion!" "nene-chan...." (y/n) cooed. "who are you? and do you really know how to get out of here?" yashiro smiled with happiness. she's glad she found a chance to get out other than killing her friends. "shijima told us i have to kill yu-chan, hanako-kun and mitsuba-kun." "i know.. scribble scribble how.." The paintbrush wrote. "you don't have to kill.. scribble scribble anyone. there's a door to the real world. you can go there and return back." "a door? where!?" "it's.. scribble scribble... splat." "hanako-kun!? what are you—"


"—doing...(y/n), why did he do that?" yashiro looked at (y/n) who was frowning at her. "yashiro-san," amane grabbed her and put two fingers on her forehead. yashiro fell asleep in Amane's arms. hopeless, confused, and desperate to go home. "why did you have to do that, amane-kun?" "...because yashiro...is going to die soon, she has to stay in this world no matter what. i need your help (y/n). will you help me save yashiro?"

"nene-chan is going to die!?" the girl looked down, thoughts such as seeing yashiro die, made her cross her arms and sigh a shaky and airy sigh. "nene-chan is my best friend, so...i'll help you, amane-kun." amane managed to smile which made (y/n) smile. "let's go, (y/n)."


kou and mitsuba were outside the school but on school grounds still. mitsuba was also still in his school mystery form. "did you tell me you were going to get us out of here without thinking? do you actually have a plan?" mitsuba asked. "shut up, would you? i'm going to meet up with senpai and (y/n), so we can think of something! hopefully (y/n) can help us like how you are." "daikon-senpai...and yu-chan? yu-chan loves honorable number seven, they can get married here. after all, they are in love~" mitsuba teased.


"OOF." mitsuba grunted. "i ran after this dork without thinking! something must have happened to senpai and (y/n)!" kou thought. mitsuba got up, rubbed his head where kou had hit him and noticed (y/n), hanako-kun and yashiro. "i think i'll hide in here for a little bit!" said mitsuba, trying to get away. mitsuba jumped into a bush to hide from them. "get back here you little—! oh, hanako, yu-chan! wait, senpai!?" kou ran towards them. he was concerned about yashiro, who was passed out on amane's back.

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