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"amane-kun!" yelled (y/n). "senpai!" yelled mitsuba. they were back to acting like students. of course, yashiro and kou already knew the truth already. "the supplies to bring to the roof!" they said, holding boxes of stuff. yashiro and kou noticed them and were disappointed. kou gave mitsuba a dirty look and said his name. mitsuba was shock because of earlier. he didn't know how to react.

mitsuba ignored him while he went up to amane. he showed him the stuff that was inside the boxes."are these right, senpai?" asked mitsuba. "Hopefully we got the right ones!" (y/n) chuckled. "yes, they are correct! good job!" amane replied. "alright! i gotta go somewhere, bye~!!" mitsuba bid his goodbyes. he stopped and looked at kou with a dirty look for payback. he then started to walk again while kou chased him.

"hey you!" he said. (y/n) knew it would be awkward if she left, she also knew if she did that yashiro and amane would be alone. that's the least thing she wants, so she stayed knowing she already gave away the truth. "he's gone." said yashiro. "nene-chan," (y/n) cooed. "...amane-kun?" she spoke. "yeah?" asked amane. "what are you holding?" she asked. amane was holding a big bag. it was held something that yashiro was curious about.

"this? isn't it obvious?" he laughed and put down the bag to open it. he then revealed a telescope. "it's a astronomy telescope!" "we are doing a astronomy observation." (y/n) added on. "eh...?" "there's going to be a meteor shower tonight and everyone is going to watch!" amane said. "meteor shower?" yashiro repeated in a question tone.

thud !

"ah! a shooting star!!" everyone faced their attention to the sound to. turns out it was tsukasa who was staring into the night sky. "amane! did you see it? did you? did you?" he smiled so bright. even if the world was fake, tsukasa's smile wasn't. "tsukasa!" (y/n) yelled. "tsukasa," amane cooed. "Did you see it?? The shooting star!" "er— you did drop your telescope, though!" amane replied.

(y/n) watched as tsukasa jumped on amane and hugged him tight. she then walked to yashiro who was so confused. "nene-chan," she whispered in her ear and holding her hand. "i don't wanna be a ghost again." yashiro jumped away from (y/n). she was traumatized. "(y/n)..." "ah! t-this is just..." amane was embarrassed to be hugged by his sibling in front of his friends. he took tsukasa off and just told them to go to the rooftop. he also told tsukasa to get his telescope, of course. yashiro stood behind a little bit while (y/n) and amane went ahead.

tsukasa grabbed his telescope and ran up to yashiro. he put his hand on her shoulder which surprised her. but that shouldn't be anything compared to what he was about to tell her. "so about (y/n) and amane. we were childhood friends. me, amane and (y/n) go back a long time. has she told you her past? hm, that doesn't matter now, does it? haha, anyways, i hope you do a great job of killing them!"


tsukasa told me... he wants me to do a good job of killing them!? "eh!?" why would tsukasa say something like that!? he ran up to amane and (y/m) leaving me with my confused expression.

"yashiro-san?" said tsukasa. he was acting as if he never told me a single word. why is this happening. "i-i-i'm going to go change!!" i yelled. i had to get away from those three. I just had to. childhood friends? so that does prove my point early about (y/n) liking amane! i was running when i heard "i'll go with her to see what's she's doing!" it sounded like (y/n) so i wasn't as worried.


"yashiro, are you done changing?" (y/n) asked. "yes..!" i tried my best to sound happy. but i just couldn't. my best friend wanted to be human again. i can't handle all this at once. i have to sort this out. this world is a picture. drew by number four also known as shijima-san. she said in order to go back to the real world we have to kill... (y/n), mitsuba and amane. "all right, yashiro, let's go!" (y/n) said. "right,"

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