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good evening, with my grip strength i am trying to open a gate. after convincing yu-chan and hanako-kun to 'run away', we left the rooftop all together. now we are outside the school trying to get out. i struggled to open it but after minutes of pulling and pushing, "it's opened!" i yelled. i then looked behind me, "hanako-kun, yu-chan, let's go!" they didn't budge. not one foot was lifted. they put their heads down and frowned. why did they not wanna go?

"yu-chan? hanako-kun?" i questioned. "nene-chan, are you going outside?" (y/n) asked. "yeah, come on, let's all go together!" she looked up at me, playing with her fingers. "we're not going," (y/n) added on. "you brought us all this way, but i'm sorry, we aren't going." she frowned while looking at me. "why, yu-chan? why don't you want to go? do you want to say here, yu-chan? or should i say (y/n)?"

"i want to stay here. why run away when this is the most fun i had in year— i mean it's been so fun, i just don't wanna leave!!" she waved her hands awkwardly, she accidentally said something that would come in handy in the future. but i acted like i didn't hear her. she already told me about this place. she's probably acting in front of hanako— i mean if i were in her shoes i'd do the same.

"do you not like it here, yashiro-san?" amane spoke up. "of course, i love it here. there's lots of fun things with you, kou-kun, (y/n)-chan, mitsuba-kun, and the others. but my real friends aren't here. even though they are ghosts, they mean everything to me, so i must return!" "nene-chan, does your friends...look like us?" "yeah, so shut up and let's go!" "fineee." (y/n) groaned, accepting defeat.

"you'll come!?" i shout with a smile. she nodded and asked amane, "are you coming, too? are you, amane?" "well, if you go by yourselves then it'll be dangerous." amane replied. "so your going too, amane-kun!? hurray! let's go!!"

"yeah and no problem." "let's go find the end of this world!" "where!?" (y/n) yelled. "it doesn't matter!" i yell back. i grabbed both of their hands and started to run. we were about to pass the entrance when amane stopped. "amane-kun?" i asked. "it's nothing, sorry, l-let's go."


"amane-kun!~ go slower....! you're going too fast. please slow down. you're making my stomach feel all tingly." (y/n) groaned, hanging onto amane's arms. "i'm sorry, (y/n)-chan!" we were on a bike, three people on one bike? it seemed impossible but it worked. i was in the back while amane was peddling. (y/n) was hanging onto him, she had her arms wrapped around his neck.

"amane, slower!" "yeah, amane-kun, go slower!" i yelled. "how can i go slower when we are going down a hill?? anyways where are we going, yashiro-san!?" "i said it doesn't matter! just keep biking!" "this is dangerous!" if shijima drew this world then there should be an ending, if we find that end then we can probably leave by that way. "maybe we can go on a bus? we need to find the end. even a school mystery has its limits. oh, look! a bus! go there! hurry!"

"a-alright, nene-chan." "wait, wait for us!" shouted amane. "are we done now?" (y/n) asks as she slowly gets off the bike, getting support from amane. "yeah, (y/n)." i tried stopping the bus. it stopped, thank goodness. i then turned my head to see (y/n) who was hugging amane, digging her head into his chest, he was holding her like he never seen her in a long time. they are so cute. this is why we must go back, we must!

"come on, guys!!" i yelled trying to get their attention. they let go of each other and smiled. they then ran towards me. "i don't have coins." amane said. "neither do i," (y/n) added on. "it's alright, i'll pay! sorry for having you stop, sir!" "it's fine!" replied the bus man. "um, fare for three please!" "sure! but miss, where are you in a rush.." the man turned into a girl with messy braids, wait this girl looks familiar. "at this hour?" the man finished his sentence, but by that time he was no longer a man, it was shijima-san.

"EAAAHHHHHH! SHIJIMA IS HERE! SHE'S HERE! EEEK!". "nene-chan, what's going—" i grabbed both their hands and started to run. "yashiro-san!?" "nene-chan!?" "what about the bus!?" they both said. "the bus is no good! let's go somewhere else. shijima was there!" how was shijima-san driving!? she's a ghost!

"YASHIRO-SAN, LOOK OUT!" amane yelled my name. there was a taxi that was about to hit me. it stopped right on time, though. "be careful!" the taxi man yelled. my eyes shot open, this man isn't shijima. "can we get a ride!?" i asked. "huh!?" amane said. "we're taking a taxi?" "it's fine, there must be a reason why students such as you guys are out tonight. although, you shouldn't do dangerous things." "SHIJIMA!?" again!? the man wasn't her before! he changed, what's going on!?

"KYAAAAAA! COME ON!" i ran out with (y/n) and amane. we ran and ran until i tripped over a rock. "ouch!" "yashiro-san, are you okay?!" "what was that?" a woman asked. "are you alright, miss?" another one said. "are you hurt?" a man asked. "hurry on home, children, your parents must be worried." i got up to the voices that were comforting me. but to my surprise, i saw... so many shijima's. "so? where are you going next? you can go anywhere you want. just know, this is my canvas, i'm always watching you." the adults all spoke at once. was i the only one who saw this? (y/n) should know what's going on. why won't she help?

"EEEEAHHHHHHHH!" i, again, grabbed their hands, ran to a park and sat down by the playground. amane went to go buy sodas while (y/n) and i waited. "here, i bought the sodas!" amane handed me a soda. he handed (y/n) (drink). she opened it and took a sip. "thanks, amane-kun." "what are we going to do, yu-chan, hanako-kun? everywhere we go, there's always that girl around."

"what girl?" (y/n) asked. "you saw her right, yuki— uh, yu-chan? the taxi and the bus man? all the people on the street had her face, too."

"Not really, they were all normal?" "oh, look a pond!" i said. there was a random pond, i came to this park many times, i've never seen a pond. "water?" (y/n) quietly spoke, the tone of her voice sounded angry yet sad. "are you okay, yu-chan?" "so much memories." she got up and stared into the water. i got up with her but when i saw the water, i saw another girl. shouldn't it be (y/n)'s reflection? it was a girl, her eye was covered with her right hand. she was soaked but her close weren't for swimming. she was wearing (clothes). this girl was the same height as (y/n). in fact, it looks like (y/n).

"hey, (y/n)? who's that girl in your reflection?" "it's me, who else?" the reflection went back to normal, it wasn't the girl anymore. "it was a girl who was covering her eye with her hand, she was also wearing (clothes)."

"wait, what?"

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