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"stay back, senpai!" yelled the young exorcist, grabbing yashiro, holding her tight. "why... did this happen?!?" once everybody heard her scream they instantly came running towards them.  "th—they're..." kou tried talking but couldn't, he was traumatized about what had happened in front of him. everybody that were cleaning the pool was there, they didn't seem to have the same reaction as kou and yashiro. instead, they were quite calm about it. why, though? is this normal? mitsuba finally broken everyone's silence, "what's the big deal?" he smiled.

soon, the others joined in and added on, "they're just broken." said (y/n). "right? there's nothing to scream about!" said amane. "that scream was so loud." scoffed mitsuba. "they'll be back in like 20-30 minutes." said a classmate. "nothing to worry about!" said lemon.

"eh? why— why are you guys acting... like this is... n—normal?" yashiro cried. "it's not that uncommon." lemon replied. "yeah?" amane added on, in a questioning tone of voice. "come on, let's go clean this up." said mitsuba. "i got so surprised," amane took a deep sigh, rubbing his neck in relief. "me too!" said a classmate in a agreement. "that's so weird— what the—" kou spoke, before getting cut off by the crying daikon. "agh... kou-kun— kou-kun, you think it's weird, right? this isn't normal, r-right?"

"senpai...—" "hey!" yelled mitsuba, interrupting kou's sentence. "come on, guys, you can't just stay here chatting, we need more people to help us clean." (y/n) spoke, walking next to mitsuba. giving the duo her warm smile. her face shined in the sunny day, causing her smile to seem even more beautiful. she seemed so innocent. yashiro or kou didn't seem to suspect her at all. even with what was going on, 3 of the 8 wonders of kamome gakuen are humans. "mitsuba... (y/n)." whispered kou, he grabbed the girly boy's hand and yelled, "do you think any of this stuff is normal!? really!?"

(y/n)'s eyes opened wide, she was so surprised about their sudden actions. they really wanna go back to the real world. though, this is (y/n)'s and mitsuba's wish. they wanna be human once more. "this isn't normal!!" he added on.
"oh, right. of course it isn't." from the start... i thought mitsuba was innocent. i thought he didn't actually know. maybe mitsuba's is a human, maybe his wish came true. but no, there was something that always bothered me. kou thought to himself. yashiro stood on her feet, turning to who was busy. then, she turned to (y/n), who was watching the boys talk.

"it's almost like everything is..." said yashiro, before being cut off by (y/n). "just stop." she yelled. mitsuba, kou and yashiro all stared at her. "even so, what can you do to grant our wishes? i'm just a stupid wonder who can't even grant her own desire." she paused and chuckled, softly. "it doesn't matter anyway. this world isn't even real." she looked up. her smile was bright. but, mitsuba knew that smile hid her true feelings. "this world..." stated yashiro. "isn't real?" finished kou. mitsuba looked at (y/n) with a 'why did you say that' look. she let her smile fade away as a frown formed on her face. she looked down, "yeah, i said it. this world is fake." mitsuba covered his mouth, not like he said anything important—

"so, you guys do know something after all..." kou spoke. another second couldn't be wasted. (y/n) knew she messed up and so she got up, grabbing mitsuba's hand and running. yashiro and kou ran with them, chasing them for answers. "(y/n)-chan, what do you mean!?" yashiro yelled. "come back!" she added. amane saw (y/n) and Mistuba running. he had a disappointed expression on his face, he could already tell what (y/n) had done. mitsuba was sad as well. though, amane didn't do anything. he just watched.


"you thought you could run, yuki-san and mitsuba." kou said. "did you have to tie us up in a chair?" (y/n) asked, with a annoyed look. kou nodded in reply. "yuki-san, hehe, you're still calling me that?" she looked up with a smirk. "what happened to yu-chan or (y/n)?" "give up, mitsuba and (y/n)— yuki-san, why are you guys acting like students, and i'm including hanako. earlier aoi-senpai and akane-senpai broke in pieces. then, you told us that the world was fake, yuki-san. tell us what you know." kou pointed at the two. "why would she tell someone with such a lame-ass earring?" mitsuba teased.

"mitsuba—" yashiro spoke. "maybe i should put it in your ear then!" said kou, taking his earring off and putting it close to the girly boy. "EEEEK!!" "wait, wait!" yashiro protested. "(y/n), mitsuba, if you know something please tell us." "nene-chan." (y/n) cooed. "please, (y/n)-chan."

(y/n) managed to make a tiny smile form on her face, "i don't know all the details... but," (y/n) looked at mitsuba and mitsuba looked at (y/n), they nodded with a frown on their face. "do you really hate this world?" mitsuba asked. "of course! aoi-senpai and akane-senpai broke!" mitsuba turned his head away, "oh, just that." he scoffed. "why, you little...—" "calm down, calm down!" said yashiro. "fine.." replied mitsuba. "if you hate this world so much, try going to the mysterious tower."

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