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"dang it! if hanako-kun didn't make me clean so much i wouldn't be late!" i said, running in the hallways with a scared look. soon, i was in the classroom, i yelled good morning to aoi and that's when she said, "the teacher is not here yet!" she gave me a smile that only i and akane saw. "phew! i really thought i was late." i sighed in relief. i went to my seat while other classmates said good morning. "yashiro-san, do you want me to do your hair? i can fix it for you!" a familiar voice called out. "yeah, she's right, it does need to be fixed." another called. i turned my head to see...

"good morning!" they both said. hanako in the boy's uniform. yu-chan in the girl's uniform. hanako was having his right arm keep his head up as he smirked at me. yu-chan was leaning back in her chair with a warm smile. "yu-chan!? hanako-kun!?" i yelled. "who's yu-chan?" the girl chuckled. "my name is (y/n), remember?" "and i'm amane?" the boy added on, with a confused expression. i got up and stared at hanako-kun in the face. it was quiet for about 3 seconds until i yelled, "you're supposed to be in the bathroom! and, also, what's with that face?!" i rubbed his head. "amane-kun has always been like that, nene-chan." yu-chan spoke.

i went up to yu-chan and tried to put my hand through her chest. the only reason i did it to her is because me and hanako-kun are in a bond so i can touch him, but i can't touch yu-chan. right? i don't remember much. "you're drawing a lot of attention, nene-chan, are you alright?" aoi walked up to us, patting my shoulder. "it's not what you think!" i protested. "nene-chan..." she repeated. yu-chan and hanako-kun are spirits that haunt weird places—especially hanako-kun. so, aoi and the others can't see them! she's going to think i'm weird again!

"you're so close to yugi-kun and (l/n)-chan, seems like you got a little jealous, don't you think, nene-chan?" aoi said, winking as she's put her hand on hanako's left shoulder and her other hand on yu-chan's. the female school wonder chuckled as she ate pocky, she pulled out of her bag. "(l/n)? yu-chan's last name is (l/n)? she never told me that." i put my index finger to my bottom lip. "hmm, i'm sure i told you before, nene-chan. also, why are you calling me—" i pointed at yu-chan and hanako-kun "aoi, you can see both of them?"

"hanako-kun? yu-chan? their given name is (y/n) and amane, though." she replied. "what's up with yashiro-san?" akane spoke. he was walking towards us with a book. "anyways, here you go ,yugi-kun. i brought the book you wanted to read!" he added on, handing hanako the book. "awesome! that's great. thank you, akane-kun." what is going on!? yu-chan and hanako-kun are alive!? not even that, akane despises hanako-kun. why is he acting so nice to him?

"those two are together a lot." yu-chan spoke, breaking the silence. "yeah, they make a great couple." hanako replied. "did you hear that ao-chan, we make a great couple!" akane said, facing Aoi. aoi put her hand on her cheek and said, "i missed it sadly." all of my classmates are acting so weird. why do they think yuki-san of the rooftop and hanako-san of the toilet are one of them?? "don't you think so, too, nene-chan?" "eh!?" "those two! do you think they are cute?" hanako added, pointing at the love birds. "yashiro-san..." "hmph" i replied.

"hey, yashiro, do you want me to—" "get away from me! both of you! i don't know what's going on right now but i'll find out!"  "why are you being like that?" yu-chan asked. "i won't be fooled by dead people!" "we aren't dead—" hanako spoke before being cut off by me, "yuki! hanako! i. will. not. be. fooled. by. you. ever!" i crossed my arms.  "jeez, nene-chan, want some pocky?" she asked, showing me the box of snacks. "no!" "hmmmm, by the way, nene-chan, your hair is a mess." "what? no way!" i yelled running towards the other side of the classroom.

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