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sometimes you wonder how much hanako-kun has spent with yashiro. it makes you jealous that she was the one he was with while you weren't there, but how could you hate such a wonderful, kind, beautiful girl? she was your friend, you never wanted to be jealous of her. but, deep down inside you wanted hanako all to yourself.

isn't that selfish?


that word kept repeating in your head. you wanted it to go away. you wanted to forget your feelings for a ghost boy. however, you couldn't stop, no matter how much you tried. "i love you so much." said (y/n), playing with the wind. "is she alright?" asked a mokke. "i wonder how selfish i would be if i kept you all to myself." she added on, dancing with cherry blossoms. "nope, number 8 is sad." said another mokke, holding a lollipop. "(y-y/n)??" someone called out. a familiar sweet feminine voice, it sounded like someone the ghost girl knew. "yashiro..." (y/n) said as she stopped dancing immediately and opened her (e/c) eyes to see kou minamoto, nene yashiro and her crush, also known as, hanako-kun.

everyone looked at the embarrassed girl with a confused face. her reply was her flustered expression. (y/n) hid her face in embarrassment. "i—i wasn't doing anything!!" she said, waving her hands and chuckling awkwardly. "r—right" kou replied. "you're a great dancer— (y/n)." "a-anyways, we came to have a picnic with you!" yashiro said, showing the food. "wow! awesome!" (y/n) brightly smiled. they all chuckled as they sat down. yashiro was sitting next to hanako, which made (y/n)'s blood boil. but she knew that yashiro was a sweet person, so she couldn't hate her. she sighed and acted like it was alright.

"here you go, (y/n)!" yashiro said, handing (y/n) a bento and another small box with the fruit she requested. "i forgot to give this to you! please forgive me." she added on. "thank you, yashiro!! and it's alright i forgive you!" (y/n) replied, grabbing both of the foods. "let's play a game!" suggested hanako. "what kind of game?" yashiro asked, facing her attention towards him. "tch.." (y/n) cooed. "are you okay, yuki— (y/n)?" kou asked, rubbing his head. "i'm fine, kou-kun!" she replied, closing her eyes with a smile. she opened her bento and began to eat. "also, i noticed it's kinda hard to call me by my first name, huh?"

yashiro and kou looked at her and nodded, shyly. "just call me yu-chan." "are you sure?" he asked. "mhm!" She replied once more. "hey, hey, we can play 'who's the king'!" hanako yelled. "sure!" yashiro agreed. "what is that game?" kou and (y/n) said at the same time. "eh? you don't know? both of you? i'd expect this from him but not from you, (y/n)!" hanako said. "sorry—" she apologized. "well, for your future sake, i'll explain how to play!" said hanako.


"oh, i see, i see!" said the sakura school wonder. "seems easy." kou added on. "alright, now that you guys know how to play, let's start!" said hanako. "okay!" said yashiro. he then grabbed 4 cards out of nowhere. he showed them the 4 cards. one of the cards said king and the others had numbers 1-3.


"sheesh, i'm tired..." yashiro deeply sighed as she fell to the ground after doing hanako's request. "to~ il~ lets~" hanako said, in a singing tone. "hmph!" yashiro replied. (y/n) was starting to feel lonely but she pretended to yawn so it wouldn't look like she was crying. she was tired of seeing this crap. she wanted to be in a bond with him. she was jealous. she was mad. she.. wanted yashiro.. gone. then, again, how could (y/n) hate her? she loved hashiro as a friend. even as a best friend. so, even though yashiro was in the way... she ignored it. maybe (y/n) should just ignore her feelings for him as well.


just maybe.


"can i come, too?" i ask, getting up from sitting, playing with my fingers. "yes! thank you for coming as well because hanako-kun always teases me! i was hoping if you could punch him everytime he did that. " yashiro replied. she wanted me to... punch him because he teases her. how does he tease her? should i ask? would that sound weird? why am i like this— i should be supportive— i can't stop myself, though. i just need to ask,

"how does he tease you?" i asked, with a awkward tone. "he always saying pervy things and stuff like that." she responded, rolling her eyes at hanako. "i-i do not!" he protested. "yes, you do." kou added on. "it's cute!" "i thought you'd be on my side, (y/n)!" she whined, with a frown. "right! sorry." i replied, bowing my head.


"hey~ mitsuba!~" tsukasa shouts, causing mitsuba to twitch. "i have something nice for you~!" he added on, sitting on a table and holding the cloth with his empty black eyes. "something nice?" mitsuba repeated. "yep, ta da! school mystery number 4." he said, pulling the table covers off to reveal a girl with a unknown uniform and messy braids.


"i just got a weird feeling," i said as i shivered. "anything wrong?" hanako asked, wrapping one hand on my waist and another on my chin. "i..." we stared into each other's eyes until kou yelled, "let go of her pervert!!" "hanako-kun, why do you act like this??" yashiro added on to kou's remark while mopping the floor. hanako just shrugged his shoulders as he watched her clean. "yashiro do you need help?" i said. "yes." she frowned. "alright, we shall clean together." i replied, with a warm smile which also made her smile as well. i clapped my hands two times and now there was cleaning supplies that stood before us.


"all done?" asked hanako. "all done!" we, yashiro and i, replied. "okay, now you can go home now, yashiro." said hanako with a grin on his face. "finally! bye guys, by the way thanks for your help!" she said, waving goodbye as she left. "hmmm, yashiro..." he cooed. "i wonder how it would be like if we were alive to this time" i manage to say, trying to get his mind off of the daikon girl. "yeah, i agree." "i wanna know how it feels like to be a student here." a memory then came into my head:

"children, you will be soon going to school here at kamome gakuen. it's a wonderful school!" "do... i... get to go?" a cheerful faint voice of mine said. "people who kill innocent staff don't deserve anything you pathetic little girl. you will be staying at the orphanage."

then it ended. "oh, so that's why i couldn't go" i mumbled. "hehehehe." someone laughed. "who's there?" i shout. "(y/n), get behind me." "but hanako— i can fight, too! i'm school mystery number 8–" "just do it!" "—okay," i replied, going behind him, with my hands on his shoulders and her head tilted to see who it was. "i can help you both... number 8 and number 7. you are willing to work with us, right?"

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