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"he's here!" they yelled all together. "ehh!?" his reaction was on point. will yashiro's plan continue to work? "so we meet again hanako-kun! i didn't think you'd show yourself!" yelled yashiro. "i'll get you this time, hanako-kun!" yelled kou. "hanako-kun, i didn't do anything!" yelled yuki-san, this is the part where she acts innocent. "don't come near me!" yelled mitsuba.

"cough cough, i knew you'd come back hanako-kun, making me pass out then locking me up in a tower like i'm some sort of princess! i won't have it this time!" yashiro pointed her finger at hanako-kun, he was surprised still by their actions. yashiro was mad— no, furious.

"okay, follow the plan, guys!" whispered (y/n). "roger, yu-chan!" kou swung his staff in circle in the air to charge it up. "here i come, hanako!" kou sent lighting towards hanako. the power of his staff was able to make the top half of the tower get electricated.  "such power." said shijima. "hell yeah! did you see that hanako!? this is the real power of my weapon! just 'cuz you sealed it off in the real world doesn't mean we can't remove it in this world!"

hanako-kun got behind kou, he dodged the attack. with kou not knowing how and confused, hanako lands a attack on him...well almost. "anti-spirit lightning won't work on me. as long i wear this cloak, anti anything won't help you defeat me." hanako used his knife to slash kou's staff.  "then, i'll have to get all up and personal!" kou 'charged' up his staff, he was about to do what he did earlier before realizing his weapon was in to pieces. "he was able to break my— he did it so easily—" kou thought, he was tired. he wiped his mouth and got up. "give me back my family's relic!"

"no way" hanako replied. "stop right there!" said shijima. "this is my world, i drew it. in other words, i own the rules. my territory and my 'shrine'. please control your tsueshiro, lord number seven." shijima was able to seal off hanako's hakujoudai's. which also took away his cloak. so now hanako can feel anti-spirit lightning.


"did they do it?" asked yashiro. "i think so." mitsuba replied. the three were hiding under boxes to sneak away. "yay! a successful plan by nene herself!" yashiro got out the box and cheered herself on. "could have said we did it." said mitsuba. "how did we not get caught?" asked (y/n).

"while shijima-san and kou are keeping hanako busy, we have to start getting everything ready for our plan in the meantime. so...lord paintbrush-chan!" yashiro turned her head to the paintbrush who magically appeared. "please make us a traveling tool so we can make our way to the moon!" "nene-chan??" asked (y/n). "are you kidding me? you don't have a plan?" asked mitsuba. "i mean, uhmm." "i have a plan!" shouted (y/n).


"the clouds are thicker than before but they would be nice if we can make it in time." shijima thought. she watched the two boys fighting and didn't care one bit. she was only there to help and she did by sealing hanako's hakujoudai's. "boy, you can't move anymore, right? so this is your limit with number four's power." hanako got closer to kou and grabbed him by his collar. he stared into his blue eyes with a mad look. he squinted his eyes and brought his face closer to kou's.

"now tell me, how do you intend to save yashiro? everyone talks big talk about saving her and how they won't give up. i don't mind it, but in the end i'm the one doing stuff. so will you please shut up a bit?" he smiled and pushed kou away. kou moved away and saw as hanako smiled with his eyes closed. he waved and got up. kou also proceeded to get up. "how do you cough cough intend to save yu-chan!?" kou changed the subject.

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