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"i—i have to go." i said, getting up from my sitting position. "(y/n)! Why are you leaving so early?" tsukasa shouts to me. but i didn't reply instead i ran out the broadcasting room and into the girls bathroom in the old building.

"how did he— why did he" those questions kept repeating in my head. i was scared, i was alone. then again, i have always been alone. even when i was alive. i guess this is my fate. to be alone forever, right?

i was sitting by the window staring at the students while they talked and played with one another. I was so sad to see that. i felt tears go down my cheek. i tried to wipe my tears but they just kept coming.

"(y/n)?" a familiar voice called to me. it sounded like a boy's voice. "eh!? i thought i was here alone!?" I yelled and wiped my tears, "who are you! how do you know my real name!?"

someone then came out the third stall revealing a boy with the same height as me with a old uniform and two white orbs around him. Oh. it was hanako-kun.

"why— WHY ARE YOU IN HERE?" i shout, going closer to corner of the wall. "PERVERT!" i made the air make hanako-kun fly everywhere making him hit everything. "let me— explain—, (y/n)!" "EXPLAIN." "this is my boundary— i practically live here." he said, rubbing his head. "why is this place your boundary?"

"do you know my rumor? hanako-san of the toilet?" then it clicked, "hanako-kun— hanako-san— OH!" he nodded as he walked towards me but failed due to him falling. "hanako-kun—!" "well, at least you get it finally." he replied, sighing with relief.   "uh, yeah, hey, ama— i mean hanako-kun?"

"yes, yuki-san?" "you wanna hear a story?" "hmm, sure!" "once upon a time, a little girl with (h/c) (h/l) hair, lived in a small town. but this little girl died due to drowning. her last thoughts were "I never got to tell him, didn't I?"  who's "him" you might ask. well, it was you, amane yugi." i point at him. hanako-kun didn't reply, he had a stunned look on his face.

"not going to say anything?" i look down onto the floor. "yeah, i'm surprised, too. my memories came back." i look back up at him and he was still surprised? "hmm, well i'm gonna go, hanako-kun" i say, breaking the silence, with a warm smile. "tsukasa is also happy to see me." i added on, leaving the bathroom.


"i'm great at telling stories, right?" i ask myself, as I looked down at the students below. "amane, if we lived to this day, do you think we would have been married? tch, I'm just fooling myself. our lives ended. we have no future."

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