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"this place... is the mysterious tower," yashiro cooed, as she eyed at the tower, that was never there before, up and down. "i'm nervous." "mitsuba and (y/n)-chan said we'd find the answers to all our questions if we go here, but what if they were lying?" kou asked, with a scared tone. he was clutching his staff. "i'm sure they wouldn't lie to us..." yashiro replied, she was scared too, you could tell if you saw her expression. her eyes opened with fear as she stared at the ground. "let's go, senpai!" "okay!" of course, without hanako-kun this feels weird— he's always with me and protects me when i need help. i just wanna go back to the real world. the daikon-like girl thought to herself as she gripped onto the door handle. kou did the same, he grabbed the handle with his right hand and his staff in the other.

they opened the door to receive a room full of paintings. "let's move carefully!" said yashiro. kou agreed with her words, they got closer to each other for protection. it's so dark, kou thought. "isn't there a light somewhere?" yashiro said. but there wasn't any light switch anywhere to be found. "it's hard to see anything!" responded kou. they were walking around, that was until kou walked into a wall. "ouch! why is there a random wall right here?" he yelled in pain. "kou-kun, are you okay??" she worried. suddenly, yashiro felt a weird presence but didn't bother saying something, for she thought it was just a feeling since they were in a creepy building. but soon, hashiro was grabbed by the legs.

"EEEEAHHHHHHHH!!!" she screamed.


"don't hurt me, please, no!!"

"wow!! amazing!! they're so huge! i've never seen anything like this before! are you really human?" a girl with messy braids, glasses and a unfamiliar uniform appeared. "do you have large bones?" she added on. "um, who are you..?" yashiro asked her, as the girl was looking at her ankles. kou got up, grabbed yashiro away from the mysterious girl and said, "senpai doesn't like that." "ahh! i'm sorry, humans have such interesting forms!" the girl said in a surprised voice. "interesting... forms..?" yashiro cooed. "please excuse me, let me greet my guests properly," she said, getting up and dusting her uniform. she then clapped her hands twice and soon the lights were on. the room was no longer dark. "the lights turned on!" said yashiro in a amused tone.

"this tower is my gallery!" she smiled. "and i am school mystery number 4, shijima mei." she added on, crossing her legs, pinching the tip of her dress and picking it up like about 2 inches. she then bowed, showing respect. "you're one of the school mysteries!?" kou blurted. "yes, but most importantly—"

shijima... that's what aoi said and she even looks like the girl before, so it really is shijima-san yashiro thought. shes one of the school mysteries. but she's chatting with us, she didn't even try to attack at all. she doesn't seem like a bad person, right? although, it was shocking earlier...

"wow, so huge!" shijima's voice fainted.

"okay, come over here and i can introduce the exhibit!" said the school wonder. "um, we didn't come here for a tour..." yashiro said, trying to sound as nice as possible. "we wanna go back to the real world," "hm, the real world?" shijima repeated. "i see, is that so? that's amazing!" she smiled. "i'm glad you understand!! so... is it possible?" yashiro cheered. "of course!" shijima squinted her eyes. she put her hands behind her back before she was about to tell the sad and horrible news. "if you wanna go back to the real world...follow this method..."

"yugi amane,"

"mitsuba sousuke,"

"(l/n) (y/n)."

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